Improved experience for new users

When a new user logs in for the first time they will be directed to an account activation page instead of the standard login page. Clicking the ‘Activate my account’ button will trigger an email to the user’s inbox and they can set a password from there.

Improved warning messages on the form builder

The form builder now has a clear warning message to users about which fields are being used in conditional logic. The warning message will appear when a user tries to delete a field that’s being used in conditional logic. 

Scoring fields

We’ve added a new field type which allows users to create dynamic scoring fields in their forms. For example, you could create a risk assessment form that asks a series of risk related questions and generates a score based on a user’s responses.

There are a few steps to take in order to create a scoring field in your form.

Step 1 – Add a scoring field to your form by going into “Edit form” >> “Add question” >> scroll down to the complex field section and select “Scoring field”.

Step 2 – Build an equation using existing fields from your form. The scoring feature allows you to add/subtract/multiply/divide by the value of two or more existing questions in your form. For example, if you have fields called “Risk likelihood” and “Risk impact” you could multiply the value of those two questions to get a final “Risk score”.

Step 3 – The final step for building a scoring field is to assign a number value to each option in the questions you are using in the equation. For example, if the “Risk likelihood” question gives the user options to select High, Medium, Low then you’ll need to assign a number value to each of those options.

To assign values, go to the question and click the ‘Settings’ cog on the field. Navigate to the ‘Scoring’ tab and fill in a value for each option.

You’re all set! You’re scoring field will now calculate dynamically as the form is filled in.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some clients could not see the ‘Form admin’ role on the users page.

Improvement to lookup fields

You can now look up ‘status’ under ‘system fields’ when creating a lookup field on your form. Selecting status will display the status of the submission you are looking up as part of the form you are adding the lookup field to.

Improvement to Omnitrack query builder

When creating field logic, a form admin, or an automation you can now use ‘does not contain’ as part of your query. For example, create a form admin who is restricted to seeing submissions that do not contain their own name. 

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where exported forms we’re showing the wrong Omnitrack version

Automated emails can now be sent to the ‘assigned user’

When setting up an automation with an action for ‘send email’ you can now select the ‘assigned user’ as the recipient. The system will dynamically send emails to the person assigned to a submission who meets your automation conditions.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where duplicating a form did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where the number of reminders allowed in the system was limited to 50.

Add placeholders to custom thank you message

Create custom thank you messages for each of your forms that include a placeholder referencing a specific submission ID.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where custom thank you messages did not have a save option.
  • Fixed an issue where editing a default email template was overwriting customized templates.
  • Fixed an issue where some email links were taking admins to the end user form.

Submission reference IDs

Each new submission will be assigned a user friendly ID to help admins and users identify and reference them.

Reference IDs are a combination of a ‘Form key’ and submission number. The form key is defined once at form creation and used as a prefix for submission numbers that helps users recognize which form the submission belongs to. For example, submission number 3 could appear on the Gifts and Hospitality form as “GAH-3” and on the AML form as “AML-3”. 

Global search across all columns

Admins can search for a keyword or phrase across all submissions and fields. To search through submissions navigate to “View submissions” >> “Global search” and select “All” from the select column dropdown.

Set default answer on form fields

Admins can set a default answer to a question that gets prefilled on new submissions. Note that defaults cannot be set for complex fields such as lookups or read only fields like section headers.

To set a default value for a field navigate to “Edit form” >> “Field settings” >> “Set default value”.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where submissions could not be assigned to users with an apostrophe in their name. 
  • Fixed an issue where export to CSV was not working for specific clients.
  • Fixed an issue where some emails were coming from an incorrect sender address.
  • Fixed an issue where submissions created via the form settings page were not triggering automations.

Custom thank you messages

Admins can now write custom confirmation text that will appear after a user submits a form. The message can include styling and links.

Set a thank you message for any of your forms by navigating to “Edit Form” >> “Form Settings” >> “Thank you message”. 

Link two submissions within the same form

Use the lookup field feature to enable linking between two submissions within the same form. For example, link two clients that relate to one another. 

To set up linking navigate to “Edit form” >> “Add a new question” >> “Lookup field”. In the lookup field setup select the form you are currently editing from the dropdown in “Step 1”. 

Limit form admins by submission status

In addition to limiting admins to submissions based on groups and form fields you can now limit by submission status as well. 

Global search improvement

Your column selection will now be saved so the next time you search the column won’t need to be reselected. 

Bug fixes

  • Audit trail no longer allows selecting a date that’s in the future.
  • Fixed an issue where adding “is blank” logic to a field stopped you from adding more logic.
  • Fixed an issue where form admins were being directed to the end user dashboard after resetting their password.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicating and deleting a submission redirected to the ‘Access denied’ page.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Request More Info’ and ‘Save Changes’ buttons appeared on the form after being disabled.

Track time spent in a specific status

The form overview dashboard now allows you to track the amount of time a submission spends in a specific status. This could be used for SLA monitoring to ensure that submissions are dealt with within defined committed periods of time.

Add status tracking by navigating to ‘View submissions’ >> ‘Overview’ >> ‘Edit overview’ >> ‘Create counter widget’. In the counter widget settings, add a date-based condition that is set to count all submissions whose status has not been updated in X days/weeks/months. 

Improved email styles

Emails sent from Omnitrack have been updated with new brand styling and images.

‘Responsible admin’ email template now supports placeholders

Give admins additional context on submissions you assign to them by adding identifying information from your form to email notifications (e.g client name). 

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with collapsible sections where blank section headers displayed an arrow.
  • Fixed an issue where some Form Admins with a large number of form restrictions were landing on a blank forms dashboard.
  • Fixed an issue where the form cards on the dashboard were displaying an inaccurate count of submissions. 
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Responsible admin’ email template did not include a hyperlink to the form. 
  • Fixed an issue with reminders where changing the recipient from ‘Admin’ to ‘Assigned user’ caused the email template to break. 

Collapse and expand form sections

Users now have the option of collapsing a full section within a form for easier navigation. Sections will be set to expand by default. Click the arrow once to collapse and a second time to expand the section.

Dynamic lookup fields

A lookup field is used to link forms and seamlessly pass data between them. For example, our AML Client Onboarding solution for law firms comes with forms for ‘Client Assessment’ and ‘Matter Assessment’. When you open a new matter and undertake a matter assessment, you can select which client the matter relates to and automatically ‘look up’ the client risk assessment and other details. Now, any time the details from the client assessment are updated, they will sync immediately with all associated matters.

Custom button enhancement

You can drag and drop your custom buttons to reorder them in the list, and change the order in which the buttons appear on the form.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the request for more info trigger for automations was not updating status.
  • Fixed an issue where submissions with admin-only values but no end user-values were not submitting.
  • Fixed an issue where submissions exported to Word had a distorted logo.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘You have unsaved changes’ dialog was not appearing when closing the drawer.

Added table of contents to forms

Users now have the option of viewing a simple overview of all the sections within your form. Expand the table of contents by clicking the icon on the far left-hand side of the form. Once expanded, click a section header to navigate through the form to the relevant section. The table of contents will dynamically add and remove sections based on the visibility logic (branching) in your form. 

Collapsed table of contents

Expanded table of contents

Custom button enhancement

We’ve added an option to customise button configurations. This gives you more control over what happens when a user clicks on your button. Decide whether to ‘Save form’ or ‘Submit form’ when your button is clicked.

Examples of when to use each option:

Save the form – Use this option when the form needs an additional user to fill in fields (e.g. “Share form with line manager”).

Submit the form – Use this option when the form is complete and is ready for review by an admin (eg Complete form)

Visibility logic based on the value of dropdown fields

We’ve added the ability to trigger logic between fields based on a dropdown field containing a certain ‘keyword’. For example, “Show the ‘high risk’ field when the user selects a country from the dropdown that includes the word ‘risk’”.

Added functionality in automated actions

We’ve added the option to share submissions with multiple people via a single automation. Simply add as many ‘Share’ actions as you need. Note, each share action can have it’s own custom email text.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the “Request more info” button was returning an error in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting form admins did not remove them from the list.
  • Fixed an issue where submissions exported to Word did not include a logo.
  • Fixed an issue where the reset password link included the word ‘null’ instead of a tenant ID.