Added table of contents to forms
Users now have the option of viewing a simple overview of all the sections within your form. Expand the table of contents by clicking the icon on the far left-hand side of the form. Once expanded, click a section header to navigate through the form to the relevant section. The table of contents will dynamically add and remove sections based on the visibility logic (branching) in your form.
Collapsed table of contents

Expanded table of contents

Custom button enhancement
We’ve added an option to customise button configurations. This gives you more control over what happens when a user clicks on your button. Decide whether to ‘Save form’ or ‘Submit form’ when your button is clicked.

Examples of when to use each option:
Save the form – Use this option when the form needs an additional user to fill in fields (e.g. “Share form with line manager”).
Submit the form – Use this option when the form is complete and is ready for review by an admin (eg Complete form)
Visibility logic based on the value of dropdown fields
We’ve added the ability to trigger logic between fields based on a dropdown field containing a certain ‘keyword’. For example, “Show the ‘high risk’ field when the user selects a country from the dropdown that includes the word ‘risk’”.

Added functionality in automated actions
We’ve added the option to share submissions with multiple people via a single automation. Simply add as many ‘Share’ actions as you need. Note, each share action can have it’s own custom email text.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the “Request more info” button was returning an error in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where deleting form admins did not remove them from the list.
- Fixed an issue where submissions exported to Word did not include a logo.
- Fixed an issue where the reset password link included the word ‘null’ instead of a tenant ID.