Our online modern slavery training will help your business avoid involvement in any activity that equates to modern slavery and falls foul of the regulations, either directly or by proxy through supplier relationships.
Modern slavery is the term used to describe some of the world’s worst forms of exploitation, including human trafficking, domestic servitude, child labour, debt bondage, forced marriage, sexual exploitation and more. It is estimated that as many as 50 million people are now trapped in modern slavery worldwide, more than at the peak of the transatlantic slave trade in the 1800s.
VinciWorks’ modern slavery training suite offers a variety of training options for companies to use as part of their internal compliance programs. Our courses are designed to meet the needs of an entire organisation, from general staff to procurement teams.
A number of countries have enacted tough legislation to combat modern slavery in the corporate world by increasing transparency in companies’ supply chains.
Modern slavery acts in the UK, EU, US, and other countries around the world require large companies to publicly disclose information about their efforts to eradicate human trafficking and slavery within their supply chains. These statements must include a report of the steps taken during the past financial year to ensure that these human rights violations are not taking place in any part of the business or its trading partners. It is expected that a growing number of countries will adopt similar legislation in the future.
Put simply, our Modern Slavery training will help prevent the spread and prevalence of this horrific practice. A lot of people associate Modern Slavery with some of the more common instances such as human trafficking for example, but our depth of coverage means that your employees will be able to identify less obvious signs of Modern Slavery and help your business avoid becoming involved.