VinciWorks Modern Slavery Statement
Last update: May 2024
VinciWorks does not believe there is any place in today’s world for slavery or human trafficking. We are committed to continually improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking and to encourage the same high standards from our supply chain and other business partners.
The company continues to establish a zero-tolerance position on violations of anti-human trafficking and anti-modern slavery laws. We adhere to human trafficking & modern-day slavery policies which, at a minimum, seek to:
- Build long-standing relationships with reputable suppliers making clear our expectations of business behaviour.
- Ensure suppliers and sub-contractors comply with anti-modern slavery legislation principally through questionnaires but also through background checks, periodic reviews and where appropriate, site visits.
- Ensure systems are in place to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle blowers.
- Provide training in respect of the Modern Slavery Act to relevant members of staff
- Safeguard employees by conducting pre-employment checks including eligibility to work, references, qualifications and proof of national insurance numbers and in turn promote a culture of ethical integrity across the workplace.
VinciWorks recognises the importance of the UK Modern Slavery Act and believe the procedures above reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our businesses by identifying and monitoring potential risk in our supply chains.
This statement has been approved by Josh Goodhardt, CEO of VinciWorks, and will be reviewed annually and published accordingly.