In the fast-paced world of compliance, staying ahead requires not just meeting regulatory standards but also ensuring that training is engaging, relevant, and accessible. VinciWorks has been a leader in compliance training for over two decades, consistently innovating to meet evolving business needs. Powerful tools like the VinciWorks Portal enable companies to maintain compliance while customising training to specific organisational requirements.

As AI technology becomes more integrated into business operations, ethical concerns and potential biases have become prominent topics of discussion. While debates about AI’s use in art and writing persist, critical ethical and legal concerns revolve around GDPR and data protection legislation. Notably, AI-driven machine translation and narration are considered low-risk applications.

VinciWorks’ AI-powered machine translations and narrations enhance accessibility without introducing ethical dilemmas. These tools replicate content accurately across languages and formats, ensuring consistency and inclusivity. By leveraging AI, VinciWorks ensures that all teams receive high-quality training, regardless of their native language or visual needs. This commitment to inclusivity helps organisations maintain a fair and equitable training environment. AI-driven translations make training materials available in multiple languages, catering to diverse workforces without compromising quality or relevance. With AI, organisations can provide uniform training experiences, ensuring all employees understand compliance requirements.

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Wednesday 4 September 12pm UK

In a rapidly changing economy, companies are ever-more reliant on a well-functioning supply chain to get things done. From outsourcing payroll to launching a new product, supply chain management has never been more crucial. Examining the risks posed by new suppliers is equally vital. A worrying incident can have a knock-on effect on your business, from reputational risk to fines or criminal action. Within any supply chain, there are serious and significant risks which often go hidden.

Auditing the suppliers is a fundamental aspect of supply due diligence and ongoing monitoring. But audits don’t need to be forensic to uncover risks. Using straightforward techniques and tools in supplier onboarding and ongoing monitoring can offer important insights and uncover the hidden risks within the supply chain. From human rights abuses to deforestation, health and safety concerns and anti-bribery procedures, staying abreast of supply chain risks is a critical compliance tool.

In this webinar, VinciWorks compliance experts will discuss key methods of auditing the supply chain, and how to uncover hidden risks contained within.

This webinar will cover:

  • The main compliance risk factors in the supply chain
  • How to undertake supply chain audits
  • Key questions to uncover risks in the supply chain
  • Risk mitigation measures to protect and improve the supply chain
  • Compliance challenges and opportunities in supply chain management

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Wednesday 11 December 12pm UK

Many organisations talk about gender equality and promoting women, particularly older and more experienced women. But what does this look like in practice? What are the practical steps to supporting women in the workplace and how can barriers to success be overcome?

One highly effective strategy is making your organization menopause friendly. Menopausal women are one of the fastest growing in today’s workplace, and research has shown that nearly two-thirds of women have taken time off work due to their symptoms, with some even leaving their jobs due to not being supported in their workplace.

In this interactive, sharing-focused session hosted by VinciWorks, our compliance experts will take you through the steps your organisation can take to become menopause friendly. 

We also want to hear from you. Whether it’s about your own experience of menopause at work, or what your organisation has done (or hasn’t done) to make the workplace more menopause friendly.

The Menopause forum will also discuss practical ideas and share guidance on how to implement a menopause leave policy to environmental factors which can affect a workplace, this session will inform you on why making your organisation menopause friendly is a cost-effective, impactful and necessary initiative.

This session will cover:

  • The basics of menopause as a diversity and inclusion issue
  • Building a coalition for progressive menopause change in an organisation
  • Countering common myths, stigmas and stereotypes (there’s no such thing as the male menopause!)
  • Top tips for implementing a menopause leave policy 
  • Tackling environmental, organisational and cultural factors on menopause
  • Sharing your experiences and answering your questions

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Wednesday 19 June 12pm UK

Bribery and corruption are not new issues. But they remain impressively persistent in their ability to wreak havoc and cause trouble. Companies are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds to these schemes, not to mention reputational damage and legal action. In this webinar we will look at the different types of bribery risks your company can face, how to assess the specific dangers to your company and what you can do to mitigate those risks so you can sleep at night. 

Join us in this free, one-hour webinar. We will provide key information on bribery legislation, the myriad of ways companies can get caught up in bribery and the implications if a company doesn’t have effective anti-bribery policies in place. Significantly, we will guide companies in how to manage their bribery and corruption risks, develop an effective anti-bribery programme and learn how to mitigate the risks of bribery and corruption. 

This webinar will feature:

  • A basic understanding of the anti-bribery laws
  • Ways to assess your company’s risks for bribery and corruption
  • Relevant bribery case studies – and what you can learn from these stories
  • How to effectively mitigate your company’s risks 
  • How to develop an anti-bribery programme that works

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Compliance in higher and further education institutions is a complicated endeavour. From harassment to AI to plagiarism, ensuring you have the right training and policies in place has never been more important.

In this free webinar from compliance experts VinciWorks, we reviewed the key things your HE/FE institution should have in place and heard from our experts about making compliance more than a tick box. We discussed vital training programmes for staff and students, including health and safety, consent and bias, and how to implement effective e-learning policies.

We also considered software solutions for education, including how to meet duty of care, whistleblowing and GDPR regulatory requirements with cost-effective software.

This webinar covered:

  • Key training packages for higher and further education institutions
  • New priorities in e-learning such as AI and plagiarism
  • Software solutions for education regulations
  • Supporting staff and students with online learning
  • Questions and answers from our HE/FE compliance experts

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A financial columnist fell victim to a group of con artists and ended up giving them her life savings. Can this happen to you?

Charlotte Cowles is not the kind of person to fall for a scam. She’s a financial writer, the financial advice columnist for New York Magazine and has worked for some of the top publications in the US. She lives in Manhattan, is married and has a child. 

And yet, as she writes in this story, she found herself one day on a street in New York City giving a stranger in a Mercedes a shoebox filled with $50,000 in cash, nearly all her savings.

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There are around 3 million unpaid carers in the UK, and more than one in seven people in any workplace is a carer. Unpaid carers’ work is often painful and exhausting, and a workplace that supports all its staff should also support carers.

The Carers Leave Act became law in 2023 and gives employees a statutory right to a week’s unpaid leave to care for a dependent. Show the carers among your staff that you value them as employees and recognise their unique challenges by making sure your organisation is a supportive place for carers.

In this free webinar, VinciWorks experts explored the Carers Leave Act, its obligations to employees and employers, and how to make your organisation a supportive and welcoming place for carers.

The webinar covered:

  • The experiences of carers at work
  • The Carers Leave Act’s new regulatory obligations on organisations
  • The unique needs of carers
  • How workplaces can build a supportive environment for carers
  • Understanding the challenges that carers face

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The issues of gifts, hospitality and bribery are increasingly complicated – especially for companies doing business in other countries. The danger of getting caught up in a corruption scandal is damaging, expensive and could be ultimately devastating. But when is a gift considered bribery? How can corruption, or even the perception of corruption, be avoided in business? 

In this webinar, we highlighted some recent bribery scandals, analysed how they could be avoided, and took a deep dive into international anti-corruption laws. Most importantly, we discussed how companies can safely conduct business around the world. We included information on Transparency International’s recently released annual report on perceptions of corruption and bribery across the world and explained how it can form a critical part of a company’s bribery and corruption risk assessment. 

This free, one-hour session provided key background info on everything from the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the US to the UK’s Bribery Act to the EU’s proposed anti-corruption legislation. If your company has any business in a foreign country, including any parts of its supply chain, you’ll want to watch this one.

This webinar featured:

  • A basic understanding of anti-corruption legislation around the world
  • Highlights of recent scandals – and how they could have avoided
  • How you can manage your company’s gifts and hospitality policy
  • How to prevent corruption in your business
  • Future trends in anti-corruption laws

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The field of economic sanctions has been growing increasingly complicated in recent years, and the past year was a historic and transformative period for the use of financial sanctions on both the global and UK levels, with Western nations launching an unprecedented line of sanctions against Russia as a result of its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Recent conflicts such as the Hamas-Israel war in response to Hamas’s October 7th massacre, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as events in Iran, China and other countries have grabbed global headlines. These events have sparked waves of new laws and regulations around the world, from sanctions to tougher economic crime compliance rules.

All businesses must comply with financial and trade sanctions and companies must be able to prove that they are properly screening for sanctions. Failure to comply with screening requirements can carry stiff penalties reaching into the millions per infraction and any sanctions breach, even accidental, is a crime.

This webinar covered:

  • Recent sanctions issues and key compliance challenges and lessons to be aware of in the present volatile international landscape.
  • The creation of the Office of Trade Sanctions Implementation (OTSI), the UK’s newly created body that will be responsible for the civil enforcement of trade sanctions, including those against Russia.
  • The ever-relevant crossover between sanctions, terrorist financing, and AML, which has become increasingly important as the world faces rapidly evolving geopolitical challenges.
  • The effectiveness of financial sanctions in general and those against Russia in the past two years in particular.
  • Cases of sanctions breaches and consequences.
  • Tips for sanctions compliance for both regulated and non-regulated businesses.

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Many organisations discuss gender equality and promoting women, particularly older and more experienced women. But what does this look like in practice? What are the practical steps to supporting older women in the workplace, and how can barriers to success be overcome?

One highly effective strategy is making your organisation menopause friendly. Older women are one of the fastest growing in today’s workplace, and research has shown that nearly two-thirds of women have taken time off work due to their symptoms, with some even leaving their jobs due to not being supported in their workplace.

In this webinar, VinciWorks compliance experts will take you through the steps your organisation can take to become menopause friendly. From implementing a menopause leave policy to environmental factors affecting a workplace, this session will inform you on why making your organisation menopause friendly is a cost-effective, impactful and necessary initiative.

The webinar featured an interview with Dr Rebecca Lewis from the highly respected Newson Health Menopause and Wellbeing Centre.

This session covered:

  • The basics of menopause as a diversity and inclusion issue
  • Building a coalition for progressive menopause change in an organisation
  • Countering common myths, stigmas and stereotypes
  • Top tips for implementing a menopause leave policy
  • Tackling environmental, organisational and cultural factors on menopause

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