Wednesday 19 June 12pm UK

Bribery and corruption are not new issues. But they remain impressively persistent in their ability to wreak havoc and cause trouble. Companies are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds to these schemes, not to mention reputational damage and legal action. In this webinar we will look at the different types of bribery risks your company can face, how to assess the specific dangers to your company and what you can do to mitigate those risks so you can sleep at night. 

Join us in this free, one-hour webinar. We will provide key information on bribery legislation, the myriad of ways companies can get caught up in bribery and the implications if a company doesn’t have effective anti-bribery policies in place. Significantly, we will guide companies in how to manage their bribery and corruption risks, develop an effective anti-bribery programme and learn how to mitigate the risks of bribery and corruption. 

This webinar will feature:

  • A basic understanding of the anti-bribery laws
  • Ways to assess your company’s risks for bribery and corruption
  • Relevant bribery case studies – and what you can learn from these stories
  • How to effectively mitigate your company’s risks 
  • How to develop an anti-bribery programme that works

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Compliance in higher and further education institutions is a complicated endeavour. From harassment to AI to plagiarism, ensuring you have the right training and policies in place has never been more important.

In this free webinar from compliance experts VinciWorks, we reviewed the key things your HE/FE institution should have in place and heard from our experts about making compliance more than a tick box. We discussed vital training programmes for staff and students, including health and safety, consent and bias, and how to implement effective e-learning policies.

We also considered software solutions for education, including how to meet duty of care, whistleblowing and GDPR regulatory requirements with cost-effective software.

This webinar covered:

  • Key training packages for higher and further education institutions
  • New priorities in e-learning such as AI and plagiarism
  • Software solutions for education regulations
  • Supporting staff and students with online learning
  • Questions and answers from our HE/FE compliance experts

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A financial columnist fell victim to a group of con artists and ended up giving them her life savings. Can this happen to you?

Charlotte Cowles is not the kind of person to fall for a scam. She’s a financial writer, the financial advice columnist for New York Magazine and has worked for some of the top publications in the US. She lives in Manhattan, is married and has a child. 

And yet, as she writes in this story, she found herself one day on a street in New York City giving a stranger in a Mercedes a shoebox filled with $50,000 in cash, nearly all her savings.

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There are around 3 million unpaid carers in the UK, and more than one in seven people in any workplace is a carer. Unpaid carers’ work is often painful and exhausting, and a workplace that supports all its staff should also support carers.

The Carers Leave Act became law in 2023 and gives employees a statutory right to a week’s unpaid leave to care for a dependent. Show the carers among your staff that you value them as employees and recognise their unique challenges by making sure your organisation is a supportive place for carers.

In this free webinar, VinciWorks experts explored the Carers Leave Act, its obligations to employees and employers, and how to make your organisation a supportive and welcoming place for carers.

The webinar covered:

  • The experiences of carers at work
  • The Carers Leave Act’s new regulatory obligations on organisations
  • The unique needs of carers
  • How workplaces can build a supportive environment for carers
  • Understanding the challenges that carers face

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The issues of gifts, hospitality and bribery are increasingly complicated – especially for companies doing business in other countries. The danger of getting caught up in a corruption scandal is damaging, expensive and could be ultimately devastating. But when is a gift considered bribery? How can corruption, or even the perception of corruption, be avoided in business? 

In this webinar, we highlighted some recent bribery scandals, analysed how they could be avoided, and took a deep dive into international anti-corruption laws. Most importantly, we discussed how companies can safely conduct business around the world. We included information on Transparency International’s recently released annual report on perceptions of corruption and bribery across the world and explained how it can form a critical part of a company’s bribery and corruption risk assessment. 

This free, one-hour session provided key background info on everything from the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the US to the UK’s Bribery Act to the EU’s proposed anti-corruption legislation. If your company has any business in a foreign country, including any parts of its supply chain, you’ll want to watch this one.

This webinar featured:

  • A basic understanding of anti-corruption legislation around the world
  • Highlights of recent scandals – and how they could have avoided
  • How you can manage your company’s gifts and hospitality policy
  • How to prevent corruption in your business
  • Future trends in anti-corruption laws

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The field of economic sanctions has been growing increasingly complicated in recent years, and the past year was a historic and transformative period for the use of financial sanctions on both the global and UK levels, with Western nations launching an unprecedented line of sanctions against Russia as a result of its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Recent conflicts such as the Hamas-Israel war in response to Hamas’s October 7th massacre, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as events in Iran, China and other countries have grabbed global headlines. These events have sparked waves of new laws and regulations around the world, from sanctions to tougher economic crime compliance rules.

All businesses must comply with financial and trade sanctions and companies must be able to prove that they are properly screening for sanctions. Failure to comply with screening requirements can carry stiff penalties reaching into the millions per infraction and any sanctions breach, even accidental, is a crime.

This webinar covered:

  • Recent sanctions issues and key compliance challenges and lessons to be aware of in the present volatile international landscape.
  • The creation of the Office of Trade Sanctions Implementation (OTSI), the UK’s newly created body that will be responsible for the civil enforcement of trade sanctions, including those against Russia.
  • The ever-relevant crossover between sanctions, terrorist financing, and AML, which has become increasingly important as the world faces rapidly evolving geopolitical challenges.
  • The effectiveness of financial sanctions in general and those against Russia in the past two years in particular.
  • Cases of sanctions breaches and consequences.
  • Tips for sanctions compliance for both regulated and non-regulated businesses.

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Many organisations discuss gender equality and promoting women, particularly older and more experienced women. But what does this look like in practice? What are the practical steps to supporting older women in the workplace, and how can barriers to success be overcome?

One highly effective strategy is making your organisation menopause friendly. Older women are one of the fastest growing in today’s workplace, and research has shown that nearly two-thirds of women have taken time off work due to their symptoms, with some even leaving their jobs due to not being supported in their workplace.

In this webinar, VinciWorks compliance experts will take you through the steps your organisation can take to become menopause friendly. From implementing a menopause leave policy to environmental factors affecting a workplace, this session will inform you on why making your organisation menopause friendly is a cost-effective, impactful and necessary initiative.

The webinar featured an interview with Dr Rebecca Lewis from the highly respected Newson Health Menopause and Wellbeing Centre.

This session covered:

  • The basics of menopause as a diversity and inclusion issue
  • Building a coalition for progressive menopause change in an organisation
  • Countering common myths, stigmas and stereotypes
  • Top tips for implementing a menopause leave policy
  • Tackling environmental, organisational and cultural factors on menopause

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Our latest survey has exposed a stark reality: 44% of compliance officers and managers feel unprepared for the compliance challenges that lie ahead in 2024. Only 7% feel fully confident in tackling the challenges in the year ahead, signalling a potential industry-wide gap in readiness to address the ever-changing regulatory landscape. 

The survey gathered 212 responses from industry leaders across the UK, USA, Spain and Germany, and gauged professionals’ confidence levels and preparedness in managing compliance issues. The findings underscore a critical need for robust compliance training programs as organisations navigate an increasingly complex regulatory environment. 

Beyond the headline unpreparedness, the survey explored various dimensions of compliance readiness:

1. Fraud Prevention Training

While 27% have implemented failure to prevent fraud training and an additional 27% are planning to do so, a concerning 46% revealed they have not yet rolled out failure to prevent fraud training, are undecided or have no plans to in the near future. This lack of preparation and preventive measures leaves businesses at an increased risk of fraudulent activities.

The new “failure to prevent fraud” offence comes into the UK as part of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, which marks a significant shift in how businesses will be held accountable to combat corporate fraud and protect victims. Failure to provide adequate training can leave organisations susceptible to financial losses and reputational damage.

2. CSRD Compliance Preparedness

Only 2% of compliance professionals claimed to be fully prepared for Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) compliance despite 50,000 companies worldwide being expected to be impacted by it. In comparison, almost half (47%) expressed uncertainty or deemed CSRD irrelevant to their operations.

As 2024 sees the first published reports from many large companies on their CSRD compliance, the global implications will ripple through supply chains, demanding a proactive approach.

3. Neurodiversity Training

In an era witnessing a quadrupling of neurodiversity discrimination cases from 2018-2022, compared to the number of cases from 2003-2017, organisations risk legal repercussions and employee well-being concerns without proactive measures for the fair treatment of neurodivergent employees to create a work environment that values and respects differences. 

Despite these figures, only 8% of businesses polled incorporate neurodiversity training into their yearly programs, and a notable 28% have no plans to do so, potentially hindering the creation of an inclusive work environment and causing an escalation of neurodiversity discrimination cases.

4. Gifts and Hospitality Registers

With 2023 witnessing a nearly quarter-billion pound fine against mining giant Glencore for flying suitcases stuffed with cash to local public officials, getting a handle on gifts and hospitality is crucial for businesses to get right in 2024. Worryingly, when questioned on the types of gift registers in place, 43% of compliance professionals admitted relying on outdated spreadsheets, while 18% admitted to not using any tools for this purpose at all, despite a legal requirement to implement procedures to prevent bribery.

Given the prevalence of digital solutions, the reliance on manual tools poses a risk to accurate and comprehensive compliance tracking. Organisations should consider investing in modern systems and technologies for more efficient and accurate compliance management.

5. Internal Policies on the Role of AI

Finally, the survey explored internal policies on the role of AI. While 23% have established policies, 37% have not considered AI policies in the workplace.

As AI integration becomes more commonplace, organisations must proactively develop and update policies to ensure responsible and ethical use. Neglecting this aspect may expose organisations to legal and moral concerns.

“As the compliance landscape undergoes rapid evolution with various regulations coming into force, this survey reveals a glaring gap in preparedness among compliance professionals,” said Nick Henderson-Mayo, Director of Learning and Content at VinciWorks. “The findings emphasise the critical need for proactive compliance procedures and new initiatives, including training. There are solutions out there for busy compliance professionals, including new technologies and automation. Being prepared is half the battle, and businesses can buffet against global headwinds by investing in proactive compliance and risk mitigation.”

To support compliance professionals in understanding the compliance challenges that lie ahead, VinciWorks is offering a free guide on Compliance Trends 2024.

In a recent study carried out by VinciWorks, a global compliance eLearning provider, 212 compliance professionals were surveyed on Compliance Trends 2024.

This week, we are providing free access to our full Diversity and Inclusion eLearning courses for businesses to improve their D&I training for all employees during National Inclusion Week 2022, which takes place from 26th September to 2nd October 2022.  

In support of the awareness week, led by membership organisation Inclusive Employers, the 15 training courses created for all employees and managers will be available for free for 7 days, and include:  


The need to educate on diversity is made clear by Google search data which shows online searches for ‘gender pronouns in the workplace’ has risen by 500% over the past three years (April 2020 – April 2022). 

There has also been a significant increase in searches for ‘unconscious bias at work’ of 58% during the same period. 

‘Bullying, harassment and discrimination at work’ searches grew dramatically by three-fifths (62.5%), ‘disability discrimination at work’ searches increased by half (51.25%), ‘racial discrimination at work’ searches rose by 40.3%, and ‘age discrimination at work’ searches grew by almost a third (30.6%).

Darren Hockley, Managing Director at DeltaNet International, said: 

“We must educate employees at all levels to be more aware of unconscious bias to help change viewpoints and build an inclusive culture. Therefore, businesses cannot underestimate the importance of training. 

“Training allows organisations to create a compliant culture and educate employees on common issues, from using the correct gender pronouns to treating disabled workers with respect. 

“Employee Tribunal Data from WorkNest showed that nearly half of the Employment Tribunal Claims they received during January 2019 and December 2021 included some form of discrimination.  

“Disability was the protected characteristic most relied upon by Claimants during this period, and there was a 52% surge in sex-related discrimination claims and a 27% rise in claims related to race between 2021 and 2019. 

“Unconscious bias and sexual harassment remain apparent in the workplace, so employees must understand what behaviour is expected of them. Likewise, line managers must learn to manage the situations they may find themselves in dealing with diversity and inclusion issues in the workplace. 

“Stamping out discrimination in the workplace is critical for organisations to thrive and enhances their internal creativity and ways of thinking. Research has even shown that diverse businesses are more profitable, but in order to have a happy, diverse workforce, it must be truly inclusive.” 

“Our diversity and inclusion online training solutions are up-to-date to be reflective of the current workforce, address issues most commonly seen and take into account the most recent updates to equality legislation.” 

DeltaNet International’s courses allow employees and managers to understand the UK equality legislative requirements. This includes gender equality, disability inclusion in the workplace, and addressing sexual harassment.  

To access the free courses, sign up here between 26th September and 2nd October 2022, and you will have free access to the platform for seven days.  

There are 15 courses in total and each course takes on average 15 minutes to complete.  

Following a recent survey by YouGov, the TUC has called for the government to introduce a range of measures to support LGBT people at work.

Along with pay gap reporting, which indicates that LGBT workers are paid 16% less (effectively £6,703 per year), the government is being urged to consult with unions to protect LGBT people from workplace bullying and harassment, by introducing a new duty on employers to make workplaces safe.

The poll of around 1000 HR managers, also found that:

Bullying and harassment: Only half (51%) of managers surveyed said they had a policy prohibiting sexual discrimination,  bullying and harassment against LGBT workers in their workplace.

Less than half (47%) said they had a clear reporting route for workers to raise concerns about discrimination, bullying and harassment against LGBT workers – even though one in seven (15%) managers had responded to bullying, harassment or discrimination against one or more LGBT workers.

Trans workers: Just one in four (25%) managers said that they had a policy setting out support for trans (including non-binary) workers who wish to transition to live as another gender.

Family-friendly working: Less than half (47%) of HR managers told the TUC that they had family policies (such as adoption, maternity, paternity and shared parental leave policies) that apply equally to LGBT workers.

Of those HR managers whose workplaces that have LGBT policies in place, only around one in three (34%) have reviewed those policies in the last 12 months.

More than one in four (28%) can’t remember when they last looked at them.

Ensure your bullying and harassment policies are clear and inclusive

It is quite shocking that so many workplaces don’t have specific policies in place to support their LGBT staff, and without these policies, too many LGBT workers experience bullying, harassment and discrimination at work.

To combat discrimination or harassment at work, business leaders should have stringent internal policies which are critical to supporting LGBT staff. Policy documents should highlight the consequences for any customers, clients, colleagues or third parties who are guilty of harassing employees, including LGBT.

It’s also critical to make the process easier for employees to raise grievances and challenge harassment, so this behaviour never gets repeated to another colleague or person in general. Employees must visibly see that their business leaders take harassment cases very seriously and recognise that any issues get tackled straight away, so colleagues feel comfortable raising issues and know what they say matters.

Education is key to preventing workplace misconduct

Everyone deserves access to a safe working environment, and education is key to preventing bullying and harassment at work. Prioritising compulsory equality and diversity training to prevent discrimination and harassment in the workplace, as well as training on how to respect one another, will help reinforce the behaviour that employees should adhere to while at work.

Diversity and inclusion measures don’t just stop there. It also includes educating employees to be more aware of unconscious bias, often based on appearance, cultural, social behaviour or experience, to help change viewpoints and build an inclusive culture.

In addition, training should include implementing inclusive family policies such as adoption, maternity and parental leave, making it easier for LGBT workers to recognise their inclusion. Business leaders must also support the use of gender-neutral pronouns in the workplace and how its use can be effective in making LGBT employees feel more comfortable in the workplace.

Take a look at our full range of Diversity and Inclusion online training courses and improve diversity and inclusion awareness among your employees and managers.