Making refresher training engaging is about covering the areas where learners might need additional training, and not just repeating the same information again. This video explains how it helps employees to feel motivated about their training and minimises its impact on their time.

  • How tailoring refresher training content can increase employee engagement
  • How to minimise the impact of training on an employee’s time
  • How using smart LXP’s can increase engagement in refresher training

Our Partnership Manager, Joe Moxom, explains the benefits to both users and organisations of having a single sign on LXP. Firstly it removes the need for a user to remember, and manage another password. Increasing the security of the platform and guarding the organisation against cyber-crime.

Using a single sign on authenticator like Microsoft Azure can help supercharge some LXP features such as rules-based enrolments and trigger emails. Auto assigning people to training, identifying auto synced users and automatically communicating with them.

  • How single sign on protects against cybercrime
  • How it can boost LXP features
  • How these boosted features can benefit the organisation and individuals within it

Our quality assurance specialist, Ryan Sargisson, explains how a learner’s competence in key topic areas can be assessed using diagnostic assessments. This helps to identify any skills gaps and allows for a tailored learning plan to be developed for the learner, saving the organisation time and resources.

  • How to assess a learner’s key competency
  • How to identify skills gaps
  • How to address any identified skills gaps

An organisation may have the need to have multiple instances of the same platform. For example a contractor portal or the acquisition of a new company. A multi-tenancy LXP allows you to create a child organisation that sits separate from the parent. In this video our partnership manager Joe Moxom, explains the benefits of having an independent child portal.

  • Why a company requires multi tenancy LXP
  • How it is structure within the wider organisation
  • How it benefits the organisation to structure their LXP this way

Commonly known as just in time training, refers to employees completing their learning objectives while working in their day-to-day job role. Technology such as YouTube has provided an excellent opportunity to enhance learning in the flow of work.

Managing Director, Darren Hockley explains how by keeping it relevant, short and accessible at the point of need, learning in the flow of work can not only be achieved, but enhanced.

  • What learning in the flow of work means
  • How to harness technology and AI to help deliver better learning
  • The three key principles of learning in the flow of work

While most of the world is connected to the internet, there will always be some cases where it is not possible to access the internet.

Joe Moxom, our Partnership Manager explains how the functionality to download and complete training offline is vital. App technology provides the functionality for leaners to do this, as well as auto-syncing data back to the platform when it next has access to the internet.

  • How accessing training offline is vital for organisations and their employees
  • How app technology provides the functionality for this
  • How app technology keeps the platform up to date even with no internet access

By using the report scheduling feature, it is possible to automatically management information data through the LXP. Joe Moxom explains how this feature is available for line managers and the senior leadership team alike, and how it allows for the information to be ready exactly when it is needed most.

  • What reporting features are available on your learning platform
  • The benefits of utilising reporting automation tools
  • How to use reporting automation tools

External integrations can help to streamline business processes. The benefits of utilising single sign on and APIs include auto updated data, increased system security and a more integrated approach across the business. This video explains how utilising external integration automations ensures your business processes are the best they can be.

  • How external integration automations work
  • How they impact your businesses processes
  • How they can save on administrative time

With mandatory training, users must stay up-to-date with legislation and regularly recap information, which is crucial for their role. With the Astute learning platform, our Partnership Manager, Joe,explains how you can automate users enrolling on specific courses. Automating the enrolment process helps employees to complete mandatory training year on year, as well as ensuring they receive relevant training.

Learning points:

  • How to automate users on your learning platform
  • How automating this process will help users complete mandatory training
  • How to ensure users are enrolled on relevant training for them

Employees must be continuously reminded to complete mandatory training on time; however, it can be difficult for HR and L&D teams responsible for the administration to keep on top of this during their daily work.

With the Astute learning platform, our Partnership Manager, Joe, explains how automating communication to employees and reminding them to complete their training will save time and resource for organisations.

Learning points:

  • How to automate communication
  • How to improve the completion rate of mandatory training
  • The benefits of automating communication