Export Audit trail emails to PDF

  • Emails sent via Omnitrack are logged in the audit trail. You can now export a PDF version of any email. 
  • See how it works.

Saving column layout on submission grid

  • We have added the ability to set your view on the submissions grid and have it autosave to that view. Example: reorder the columns on the grid. 
  • See how it works.

Improvements to end-user form

  • Admins viewing the form as an end-user no longer see the admin menu at the top of the page.
  • We are no longer displaying form fields to the end user when ‘allow multiple submissions’ is set to ‘ off ’. We will just show a message that you already submitted a form along with a link to it. 

Bug fixes

Fixed new users added to group not getting assignment email

  • When a group is assigned to a form any new members of the group should also be assigned that form. This process was working but not sending emails to the new users. We have fixed the issue. 

Confirmation messages disappear faster

  • Confirmation messages are important for letting the user know that the system has taken the action they requested. However, the messages were stucking around a little too long so we shortened the time they appear for. 

Fixed date select bug

  • In some cases forms would not allow the user to select a date outside of the current month. We fixed the bug and you can now select any date in any month.

Fixed form description length

  • Form descriptions were too short and also caused a bug where the form would crash. We have extended description length to allow up to 5,000 characters. 

Fixed double email on add user

  • In some cases the user email field was displaying twice on ‘add new user’. This was very annoying as both fields were mandatory and had to be filled out. We fixed this bug and now it only displays once.

Fixed total submissions graph

  • The graph for ‘total submissions’ on the main dashboard was displaying the number of submissions flagged; this has been fixed.