Sample video

Course description

It’s an unavoidable fact of life that we’ll come up against angry people or emotionally charged situations from time to time. It could be on the front line of customer service, dealing with a volatile colleague or managing interaction with a dissatisfied client. Whatever the situation, it can be hard to decide the best course of action when we’re faced with explosions of temper, rudeness and aggressive behaviour – but being able to do so is a key part of effectively managing our working relationships.

Using a combination of drama and expert analysis, this course looks at why people react with anger and provides guidance on dealing with emotionally charged situations and finding a way forward.

This course will give a better understanding of:

  • how the fight or flight response affects our reactions to situations
  • how arguments can escalate and why it’s important not to meet anger with anger
  • the importance of using the right language and tone of voice when dealing with someone who is angry or emotional
  • strategies for defusing emotionally charged situations and taking control.

Course sample

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First and foremost, the most important thing is that you don't get angry and that's going to be difficult a lot of the time because your initial reaction when that's happening to you is quite often to feel anger. So you might feel angry inside - ‘Why is this person treating me like this? It seems unfair to me.’ And it may well be unfair, but if you express that anger, it's only going to go one way in terms of the whole interaction is going to
get more negative, more defensive and no one is going to come out with any sort of reasonable outcome.

Gordon TinlineGT Business Psychology

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