We are very proud to announce that for the second year in a row, EssentialSkillz has won the coveted BSIF Customer Service Award.

After a challenging 2020, winning this award for a second time is a great tribute to the efforts of our outstanding Customer Support team. Through a turbulent year they have continued to deliver an outstanding service, providing technical expertise, reliability and empathy at a time when businesses have needed it more than ever.

It is a testament to the work of Linda and her team that the winner of this award was based on anonymous feedback provided by our own customers. To them, and to the entire EssentialSkillz family, we once again say thank you!

“We are absolutely delighted to receive this award for the second year running! From the top down in EssentialSkillz there is a culture of collaboration and cohesiveness, we all share a common goal: to amaze and delight the customer! This culture fosters excellent customer service, and of course, we hire the best people which makes it easy! The team never ceases to amaze me with their exceptional product knowledge and commitment to delivering high standards of service for our customers. It is an amazing team to be part of and we are very excited for the future as we continue to grow with our customers.”

– Linda, Product Implementation Team Lead


“I’m honoured to accept the BSIF customer service award on behalf of EssentialSkillz and our fantastic Support team. We’re incredibly proud of them for winning this award for the second year in a row. It is always a joy to work alongside our colleagues in Support, and it’s wonderful to see that our customers feel the same! Thank you to our support team, from everyone at EssentialSkillz who share the goal of amazing and delighting our customers.”

– Patrick Dervan accepting the award on behalf of EssentialSkillz

Slips, trips and falls may seem trivial. We’ve all slipped on a surface, tripped over an obstacle or fallen down a step. It’s all too easy for individuals and employers to overlook the seriousness of this type of incident in the workplace. When we think of risks to our health and safety, we tend to focus on what makes the headlines: fires; building collapses; machinery and vehicle crushes; or exposure to hazardous substances. Yet, the reality is that slips and trips are the most common cause of reported workplace injuries. 

According to the UK regulator, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE),  slips, trips and falls on the same level caused almost one third (29%) of all reported non-fatal injuries at work in 2019/20. They can also lead to other types of accidents, such as falls from height or falls into machinery. It isn’t just staff who are at risk. Slips and trips cause half of all reported injuries to the public in workplaces where they have access, such as hospitals, shops and restaurants. 

Shattered lives

The HSE has long recognised the individual, organisational and societal consequences of slips, trips and falls. It even went as far as to call its last major awareness-raising campaign “shattered lives”. Unlike some common safety hazards, slips and trips aren’t limited to certain industries; they can happen to you wherever you work.

The personal consequences can be devastating. As well as suffering pain from injuries, people may experience emotional distress, and even lose their livelihood. Physical injuries from a slip, trip or fall can range from sprains, cuts and bruises to broken bones, permanent disability and sometimes death. 

In one case, a woman tripped on a hole in the linoleum floor while entering a bowling club pavilion. She fell and hit her head, and later died. In another case, a cook at a busy fast food outlet slipped on a floor that had recently been wet mopped. As he put out his hand to save himself, he pulled over a nearby deep fat fryer, which spilt 35 litres of boiling hot oil. He suffered extensive burns and needed skin grafts. Another employee at the outlet received serious burns to her right leg and ankle. 

Hidden costs

The HSE estimates that organisations lose more than 1.5 million working days each year from these types of incidents. And the costs don’t stop with lost time. There can be other more hidden costs, such as damage to plant and equipment, production delays, as well as the loss of expertise and experience. On top of this there may be other financial penalties, including fines, compensation payouts and reputational damage. 

Last year, retail giant Tesco was ordered to pay fines of £733,333 after a customer slipped on liquid leaking from refrigerator units at one of its stores. He fell and suffered multiple hip fractures. Data obtained and reported by the BBC shows Network Rail  paid out nearly £1m in the five years to 2018/19 for slips, trips and falls at its stations across the UK. The largest single payout was £39,631 after a passenger slipped on liquid at Charing Cross station.

Not inevitable  

The HSE identifies the main barriers for organisations trying to reduce slips, trips and falls as:

  • employers and employees failing to take the risks seriously;
  • poor understanding of how these incidents happen;
  • a belief that slips and trips are inevitable – that they are simply a fact of life; and
  • inadequate risk assessments and management controls.

In guidance for its inspectors, the HSE notes that “many employers do not give slips and trips the priority they deserve. They treat them as being outside their control, inevitable or simply the employee’s fault.” It goes on to state, however, that “slipping and tripping are not inevitable, unless, of course, hazards are allowed to remain uncontrolled. Effective action can be taken to dramatically reduce slipping and tripping accidents.”

Most of these actions are simple and low cost (see Ten practical steps below). But too many organisations are still falling down on basic organisational, planning and housekeeping issues, and missing the importance of human factors (such as distraction or fatigue) and worker involvement. Issuing slip-resistant footwear or putting up safety signs may seem like you are tackling the problem – and such controls have their place – but unless you tackle the causes further back in the chain, you will never achieve lasting improvements.      

Getting ‘buy-in’

In reducing the likelihood of slips, trips and falls, staff training and engagement is crucial. First, people need to understand the consequences of incidents that can often seem insignificant or even humorous. Then they need to know where the hazards are and what they can do to help prevent incidents.

The HSE’s inspector guidance advises that “getting workforce ‘buy-in’ to initiatives to reduce slips and trips is crucial” and that to obtain long term reductions “attitudes and perceptions must change”. The guidance further notes: “Sensible measures should be taken to control and minimise risk, but personal responsibility and worker participation are also essential if these measures are to be effective.”

When it comes to informing and engaging employees, EssentialSkillz can help make the difference. Our Slips, Trips and Falls course sets out the practical ways employees can work with their employers to reduce the risk. But in tackling some of the HSE’s key barriers to improvement, our online training goes further. The newly updated course sets the context, dispels myths and outlines the sometimes devastating consequences of what we all too often dismiss as inevitable, or even humorous, incidents. Like all EssentialSkillz training, the course can also be customised to meet the specific needs of your workplace and staff.


Ten practical steps 

  • Design tasks to minimise potential leaks or spillages; fix any leaks from machinery or other equipment  immediately
  • Plan pedestrian routes to avoid potentially contaminated areas
  • Use the correct cleaning methods for the surface; don’t clean during busy times
  • Choose and maintain flooring carefully – if flooring gets loose, damaged or worn, repair or replace it
  • Look at the wider environment – ensure lighting is good and that any slopes or steps are easily visible
  • Always ensure walkways, stairs and work areas are clear of any obstructions or trailing cables
  • Select the right footwear for the environment and task
  • Think about people and organise work to avoid rushing, overcrowding or distractions
  • Provide and maintain the right equipment for any unavoidable work at height, and train staff in safe practices
  • Involve staff in task and safety decisions, such as choosing protective footwear or altering cleaning methods


It can be surprising to employees who work from home and the people managing them that remote working can be stressful. Because working remotely has many benefits, such as no morning commute, and employees generally have more flexibility to attend to personal matters during work hours. While these can have a positive impact on employees, it isn’t always an easy transition. Working from home can still cause stress both from normal work-related issues and new sources. Concerns can arise regarding employees’ physical, mental and emotional health if the proper support structures are not in place. 

Employers have a responsibility to take care of the health, safety and welfare of all of their employees, regardless of whether their employees are in the workplace or working remotely. There are many ways employers can combat the challenges employees might face. Employers can help by:

  • understanding what situations can cause work-related stress when working remotely
  • recognising symptoms of stress or other mental health issues
  • implementing solutions for reducing and managing stress in employees
  • encouraging employees to take care of their mental health and wellbeing when working remotely


Causes of stress when working remotely

The HSE’s Management Standards sets out six key areas of work that can increase stress, mental health issues and lower productivity if not properly managed. This can occur in both employees in the physical workplace and with remote workers. The six areas include:

  • Demands – How well are employees coping with the pressures of their job, such as their workload?
  • Control – Do employees have some say in their work, such as the pace of work or schedule of breaks?
  • Support – Are employees getting enough support or appropriate information from colleagues or managers, such as training or feedback? 
  • Relationships – Is there a positive internal culture, for example, do people feel respected and included?
  • Role – Are employees clear about what their role and responsibilities are?
  • Change – Are employees engaged or properly informed when the organisation is undergoing change, such as new processes or restructuring?

When trying to develop a mentally healthy workplace, organisations should focus on analysing these six areas. Online people-based risk assessments are an efficient way to analyse stress across your workforce and are particularly useful if you have remote workers. 

But on top of these key areas, remote workers have new sets of challenges. They might be having difficulties adjusting to changes in their daily routine or adapting to a new working environment. It can be difficult to block out distractions when working from home, particularly if employees work in a shared home, in a noisy area or don’t have a designated office space to work from. The reduced social interactions can also create feelings of isolation and hinder the building of workplace connections if there aren’t clear lines of communication or allocated times for colleagues to catch up with one another. While it is great to have the flexibility to attend to personal matters during work hours, the lines between home and work life can sometimes blur together, making it difficult to find the right balance and know when to switch off. 

Recognise signs of stress

As an employer, understanding what can cause work-related stress and mental health issues with your employees can help you work towards preventing and managing these stressors. But stress can still sometimes occur despite your best efforts to prevent it. It is important to be able to recognise signs of stress. 

Stress can be categorised into emotional, cognitive, behavioural, physical or organisational symptoms:

  • Cognitive symptoms like memory problems, constant worrying, poor concentrations, seeing only negative outcomes and anxious thinking. Employees might have a sudden drop in performance or become unable to make decisions.
  • Emotional symptoms including unhappiness, agitation, irritability, loneliness, isolation, or feelings of being overwhelmed. Employees might have difficulty accepting criticism or have lost their usual sense of confidence or humour. 
  • Physical symptoms such as aches, pains, fatigue, rapid weight loss or gain, or lack of effort with their appearance.
  • Behavioural symptoms include eating more or less, disturbed sleep, procrastination, unexplained time off, substance misuse, or withdrawing from other people.
  • Organisational signs such as increased absence or staff turnover, or lower motivation and productivity levels.

While these signs don’t automatically mean someone is stressed, they should make you alert to the possibility. 

Supporting your remote workers

Even though you might not see your employees face-to-face on a regular basis, there are still many things you can do to promote their wellbeing when working at home. 

1. Provide clear and timely information

Employees need to know who they can contact regarding work-related questions or concerns. Employees should know who to report to regarding accidents and near misses, or get advice on concerns related to their health and safety. They should know where they can access information on benefits, training and development opportunities, contract issues, and also who to contact to get advice on computers, networks or other work equipment.

Frequently communicate available information with employees to remind them of what’s available and create a wellbeing culture by displaying your organisation’s commitment. Having a platform that can automate this communication can streamline the process and reduce administrative burden.

2. Ensure a safe working environment 

Employers need to ensure that their remote workers have a safe and comfortable working environment at home. If employees work at a computer, their health and welfare can be affected by:

  • The display screen equipment (DSE) they use, including the screen, input devices such as a keyboard and software applications.
  • The furniture they use, in particular, the desk and chair, but also other accessories such as a footrest.
  • The immediate work environment around the DSE and furniture.
  • How long they stay still, and the posture they adopt while working.

Employers must provide the appropriate equipment for remote workers and train employees on how they can keep themselves safe and comfortable. There are many ways to train your employees, but an easy, streamlined approach is through online training. An online self-risk assessment can also be helpful for employees to identify hazards related to homeworking and allow employers to assess and manage the risks. 

3. Reduce social isolation

To reduce the risk of social isolation, employers should ensure that homeworkers have the appropriate tools, such as a phone or instant messaging software, to communicate closely with colleagues. Managers should make an effort to contact their staff regularly, arrange meetings so they can stay up-to-date with any decisions or changes, and organise social events with colleagues. 

If your remote workers are geographically dispersed and unable to meet in person, think about organising online social events, such as quizzes or bingo. Or can there be more flexibility in meetings to allow for social interactions and games? For example, set aside 20 to 30 minutes a week for employees to do a ‘show and tell’ at the start of a meeting. Or spend five minutes in a morning meeting answering a question of the day.

4. Support your employees

Employees who feel supported are more likely to be engaged with their work, have increased job satisfaction, and decreased stress and mental health issues.

Employers can show their support and increase engagement with their remote workers in a variety of ways:

  • Having a positive approach to interpersonal interactions – reach out to your staff regularly and see how they are doing. 
  • Encourage employees to reach out and ask for help and support if they need it. They can talk to a trusted colleague, line manager, GP or medical health professional, or anyone else inside or outside the organisation. 
  • Being empathetic and considerate when interacting with employees – if employees are dealing with challenges, actively listen to them and work together to find positive solutions.
  • Providing mental health and wellbeing resources – employees might not always feel comfortable confiding in their manager if they are stressed or experiencing mental health problems. Offering them resources is another way to get them the help they need and show you support them. 

What employees can do to combat stress and wellbeing

Remote workers also have a responsibility to take care of their wellbeing when working remotely. Employers should offer resources and encourage employees to:

  • Have a clearly defined work area and, if possible, a specific room.
  • Stick to their working hours. If there is flexibility, they should try to create and keep to a schedule. Try not to read or answer emails or messages outside working hours.
  • Rest properly after work to unwind.
  • Set rules with family or housemates. For example, knocking before entering and keeping noise to a minimum.
  • Take regular breaks, which can boost productivity and decrease stress. 
  • Be proactive in building workplace relationships and make an effort to attend meetings and social events either in person or by video call.
  • Implementing time management techniques to help them keep on top of their tasks and stay productive

The five ways to wellbeing is a simple method that employees can refer to in order to help maintain or boost their wellbeing. They are:

  • Take Notice: Be aware of what is happening around you, of your thoughts and feelings.
  • Give: Do an act of kindness for a friend, colleague or even a stranger.
  • Be Active: Build physical exercise into your daily routine.
  • Connect: Nurture your relationships with family, friends, colleagues and community.
  • Keep Learning: Do a puzzle, learn a language or take a course.

Online Wellbeing courses can be an excellent way to educate employees and provide them with the knowledge they need to take care of their wellbeing and increase productivity when working remotely.


Working remotely is not risk-free. Employers have a responsibility to understand the underlying causes of work-related stress, recognise signs of stress and take proactive measures to reduce challenges for remote workers.

Online people based risk assessments can help you analyse areas of concern, while online training can help you to address them. Automation tools can help you to communicate easily with employees and show an organisation’s commitment to wellbeing without the administrative burden.


Substances refer to anything that can cause mind-altering effects. This includes alcohol, prescription or over-the-counter medication, illegal drugs and psychoactive substances. Some people might only use substances for recreational or medical purposes, but drinking alcohol and using drugs can lead to misuse. 

A person might be misusing alcohol if, for example, they drink in a way that is harmful to their health, relationships or work. Or they might have a substance misuse problem if they are taking more than the recommended amount of prescription drugs or over-the-counter medication, or if they are using them for purposes other than those intended. Substance misuse doesn’t necessarily mean someone is addicted or dependent on a substance, but misuse could eventually lead to dependence. 

Who does it affect and to what extent?

People of all different ages, ethnicities, genders, and social and economic backgrounds can suffer from alcohol and drug problems. TUC estimated that around 1.5 million people in the UK are addicted to over-the-counter and prescription medication. The UK government estimates that 10.8 million adults in England alone consume alcohol at levels that put their health at high risk, with 1.6 million adults considered to be alcohol dependent. 

Drug and alcohol misuse can affect individuals’ health and wellbeing. They can change how we see things and behave, which can have short-term and long-term effects on our physical and mental health. Alcohol is one of the biggest causes of early deaths for people between 15 and 49 years old, resulting in about 20 deaths per day. 

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people have turned to or relied on substances to cope with rising levels of stress, anxiety and other mental health issues. The charity organisation, Alcohol Change UK, found that one in three drinkers were drinking more or at high-risk levels since the start of the pandemic. Addiction rehabilitation services are also worried about more relapses due to social isolation and lack of accessibility to support services.

How does this impact the workplace?

Substance misuse has wider societal implications, including in the workplace. Drugs and alcohol misuse can harm organisations in several ways, for example:

  • Increased safety risks, leading to more accidents and near misses.
  • Loss of productivity – estimates show that about £7.3 billion is lost per year in the UK from decreased productivity due to alcohol alone. 
  • Higher absenteeism – 3 to 5% of workplaces absences are because of alcohol.
  • Financial and reputational damage.
  • Legal concerns over employee behaviour.
  • A decrease in morale and employee retention.

A person doesn’t necessarily have to be misusing a substance or dependent on it for it to have a negative impact on the organisation. For example, an employee could be taking prescription medication according to medical guidelines, but which causes them to be unproductive and unfit to safely carry out their work tasks.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, a study found that almost half of respondents have left work early to have a drink, and around the same number of people had had an alcoholic drink while working.

How can employers reduce the risks?

While employers generally don’t get involved in employees’ private lives, they have a legal responsibility to protect everyone’s health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace under the Health and Safety at work Act 1974. 

There are four things you can do to help protect employees’ health and safety and reduce the risks of harm in the workplace.

1. Have a clear drug and alcohol policy

Your organisation should have a drug and alcohol policy outlining information such as:

  • What substances are and what substance misuse means.
  • The risks of consuming alcohol or using drugs.
  • Signs that might indicate substance misuse or dependence.
  • Employee responsibilities and the law on drugs and alcohol at work.
  • The impact of drug and alcohol misuse on the organisation.
  • What to do if an employee feels they are misusing drugs or alcohol.
  • How the organisation will help and support the employee.
  • Situations that would require the organisation to take disciplinary action, for example, if an employee is dealing drugs at work.
  • When and in what circumstances the organisation would need to carry out testing or searches.

This policy will ensure that substance misuse issues are dealt with consistently and effectively so everyone remains safe and healthy at work. This policy should also be regularly reviewed and updated where necessary. 

2. Use online training to build awareness 

Your policy should outline all of the necessary information employees need to know about drugs and alcohol at work. But sending out a policy to all of your staff doesn’t ensure that they read it or necessarily understand all of the information.

You can help ensure compliance and understanding of the material – therefore, helping to prevent and manage substance misuse at work – by rolling out online training. The training can include the information outlined in your policy and any additional information using interactions, scenarios and imagery to engage your workforce.

The EssentialSkillz Drugs and Alcohol at Work eLearning course covers the main points in a drug and alcohol policy helping people:

  • Create healthier habits around alcohol consumption.
  • Recognise signs of substance misuse.
  • Know where they can get help and support if they have or believe they are misusing substances.

Like all EssentialSkillz courses, our Drugs and Alcohol at work course can be customised to meet your needs, enabling your workforce to understand the specific policies and procedures you have developed for your organisation.

3. Align policies with organisational culture

Many policies will highlight the risks of drinking alcohol and may discourage coming into work hungover. But consider how the information in your policy aligns with the organisational culture. Does your organisation encourage teams to go to the pub after work, or organise social events that mainly involve alcohol? 

Your organisational culture needs to reflect what is in the drug and alcohol policy. 

A drinking culture in the workplace, where most social events involve alcohol, can increase the likelihood of substance misuse, and be counterproductive to promoting a safe and healthy work environment. 

A study found that 60% of respondents felt virtual happy hours with colleagues contributed to drinking more during the Covid-19 pandemic.

4. Provide support

If an employee states that they are misusing substances or if substance misuse becomes a workplace problem (for example, someone regularly comes to work under the influence of alcohol), employers should aim to take a supportive, constructive approach, where possible. Substance misuse and dependence are considered medical problems and should be handled the same way as other medical or psychological conditions. You should:

  • Encourage the employee to get additional support from the HR department, the company’s occupational health adviser or the employee assistance programme.
  • Suggest they get help from their GP or a specialist charity or organisation for advice, support or treatment.
  • Consider giving them some time off to work through the problem.
  • Think about whether the substance misuse could be prompted by workplace problems (for example, stress from unreasonable deadlines or bullying at work), and then work with the employee to improve the situation.

While employers should first try to take a supportive approach, sometimes disciplinary action might be necessary, for example, if they broke the law at work, or it resulted in gross misconduct at work. 


Drug and alcohol misuse can affect personal health and wellbeing, but it also negatively impacts teams, organisations and wider society. Employers can take proactive steps to reduce the risks of substance misuse in the workplace by creating a drug and alcohol policy and ensuring understanding of the material by enrolling staff on online awareness training. 

But organisational efforts don’t end with policies and training. Employers must ensure their policies are enforced and reflected in the organisation’s culture and practices, and that cases of substance misuse are handled appropriately using a supportive and constructive approach.

We are thrilled to announce that we have once again been nominated for the Customer Service Award at the BSIF Safety Awards 2020. This achievement recognises our Support team for providing outstanding customer service within the health and safety industry.

Whilst the ceremony was delayed last year due to the Coronavirus, we are delighted to be back in the finals as defending champions, having previously won the award back in 2019. Many thanks to all of our wonderful customers who provided outstanding feedback for us!

Our team are very much looking forward to attending the virtual BSIF Safety Awards ceremony later this Spring. Until then, stay tuned for updates on our compliance solutions or visit our blog for great resources on reducing people risk in the workplace.

To protect the health and safety of people in the workplace, everyone must be familiar with how to keep themselves and others safe. Annual training on various subjects can help organisations achieve compliance and educate staff on protecting themselves and others. 

But if your staff only take, for example, an ergonomics course once a year, it is easy for them to forget the information learned as the year passes. German psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus, carried out numerous memory studies and found that people quickly forget what they’ve learned shortly after learning it. He suggested that we forget about 50% of learnings after the first hour and around 90% of things we’ve learned after a month. This is because people will forget what they don’t use – ‘Use it or lose it’.

So for training programmes to be successful, we can’t look at training as a one-off, box-ticking exercise. Information needs to be refreshed and reinforced regularly to achieve long-term learning and create behavioural change across the organisation.

However, due to busy work schedules and other time commitments, it might not always be feasible to enrol employees on the same 60-minute training course once a month. So what are some ways you can help employees maintain their knowledge of these topics, while also saving your organisation time and money? 

1. Review learnings and provide support

After your employees have completed their online training course, it is important to find opportunities to review and reinforce the material, as well as offer support to those who may have questions. For example, you could:

  • Host training debriefing sessions to recap the key information in the course and brainstorm with colleagues how to apply what they learned on the job.
  • Provide a space where employees can look back on the material or key points, for example, on the organisation’s intranet or LMS.
  • Send out emails or newsletters reminding everyone of the important information learned.
  • Host short, informal quizzes during team meetings.
  • Use forums where staff can ask questions about the course material, and encourage colleagues and managers to actively participate in forum discussions.
  • Carry out informal coaching sessions to provide feedback and answer questions.

2. Create opportunities for people to apply learnings

Provide opportunities and encourage employees to apply their new knowledge and/or skills. For example, after your employees learn about creating inclusive meetings in the Diversity and Inclusion course, set rules to promote inclusion in your team meetings, such as no interrupting, or allowing everyone a chance to speak. Ensure that all of your employees are reminded of these rules and are applying them in each meeting. Or, for example, after your team has taken a Risk Assessment course, carry out risk assessments in your workplace. This way, your employees will be able to practise identifying hazards, assessing the risks and implementing appropriate control measures specific to your organisation.

Practising newly acquired information and skills to solve real work-related problems helps people better retain information. But it can also engage your staff and create behavioural change where their newly-acquired knowledge and skills are applied on the job.

3. Enrol staff in bite-sized, refresher courses

Enrol your employees in short refresher courses that contain the most, critical, need-to-know information from the full-length course. This will help employees improve their recall in an easy, time-saving way while also allowing the organisation to record training completions and test scores.

EssentialSkillz has created 7 new refresher courses for the most popular course titles in the library, and are about 10 minutes in duration. Currently, this refresher pack contains:

  • Fire Safety
  • ErgoWize (DSE)
  • Slips, Trips and Falls
  • Electrical Safety
  • Manual Handling
  • Risk Assessment
  • Hazardous Substances

EssentialSkillz will be continuing to update this refresher pack over the next year. But with our easy-to-use authoring tool, WorkWize Author, you can quickly create your own bite-sized refresher courses to help meet your organisation’s needs and requirements.


Don’t let your training efforts go to waste. You can promote long-term learning and behavioural change after online training by providing support and opportunities for employees to practise and apply what they learned. But it is also important to regularly refresh the key learning points through informal methods and bite-sized refresher courses.

Health and safety training has a reputation for focussing on safety, rather than on health. And yet while UK businesses have made huge improvements in reducing the number of people killed or injured by accidents at work, many hundreds of people are still made ill by work, resulting in premature deaths and reduced quality of life.

The HSE estimates that around 9000 people die each year in the UK from cancers caused by substances in their workplace. Across the world, it is estimated that 8.8 million people die each year from exposure to carcinogens at work. Around half of occupational cancer deaths are from asbestos, and workers should have specific training on how to avoid exposure to asbestos, following the Control of Asbestos Regulations

However, there are many more carcinogens in the workplace that people are less aware of. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations require organisations to risk assess hazardous substances, to determine what impact they could have on the health and safety of employees and of others. Organisations must then put measures in place to eliminate hazardous substances where practical, and otherwise to reduce and manage the risk. To assess the risks and to carry out the control measures, staff need appropriate COSHH training. One way to provide this is to use online COSHH training for the general principles, followed by on-the-job training to learn about specific measures used in your workplace.

When selecting online training for COSHH you need to consider which hazards must be covered. The term ‘substances hazardous to health’ tends to conjure images of chemicals in bottles, with labels warning of their corrosive, irritant or toxic properties. It is important to train people to recognise these, and to understand how to use the accompanying safety data sheet (SDS) to risk assess how the substance will be used. But COSHH assessments mustn’t end here. Many deadly substances in the workplace don’t come with labels or data sheets, and the impact takes longer to be seen. However, the outcomes are far worse than skin rashes and tickly throats, and these substances must also be assessed under COSHH regulations.

In this blog we’ll cover four common carcinogens, other than asbestos, that should be included in your COSHH training if your workers could be exposed to them.

Four carcinogens in the workplace

1. Silica dust

The HSE estimates that there are around 800 deaths from lung cancer each year due to exposure from silica dust at work, with 1000 new cases diagnosed each year. Around ¾ of cases are in the construction industry, but deaths also occur in manufacturing.

Silica dust particles, small enough to inhale, are released every time a worker saws, cuts, drills or grinds a silica-based material. While it might be obvious in a dusty quarry, silica dust is also released when working with concrete, cutting tiles and even some plastics. Invisible quantities of silica dust can cause permanent harm to lungs, in some cases resulting in lung cancer.

While reaching for the dust mask might be the first reaction, COSHH training will guide you through the process of how to consider more effective measures, such as local exhaust ventilation (LEV) and water suppression.


hse.gov.uk/statistics/tables/can02-newRetrieved 15 January 2021


hse.gov.uk/statistics/tables/can04Retrieved 15 January 2021



2. Diesel engine exhaust

The fumes from diesel engine exhaust (DEE) contain a toxic cocktail of black carbon particles, aerosol liquids and gases including carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Short term health impacts are serious enough – asthma, headaches, bronchitis, nausea and dizziness have all been linked to DEE exposure. In the longer term, the International Agency for Research (IARC) estimate that people regularly exposed to DEE at work are up to 40% more likely to develop lung cancer. A smaller, but still significant number of people, develop bladder cancer from DEE exposure. In total, the HSE estimate that 700 people die from DEE exposure at work each year.

While those working on or near roads and railways are most obviously at risk, other construction and manufacturing workers, and anyone who drives for a living, are among the casualties. A recent study by the Medical Research Council Centre for Environment & Health measured 141 professional drivers’ exposure to black carbon over four working days in London. Taxi drivers and couriers received the highest level of exposure while driving, and levels of exposure for other drivers was still high. If you have people working in, with or near diesel engines, you should include diesel in your COSHH assessments.

COSHH online training needs to consider how you combine long-term solutions with short-term control measures. Long-term you might replace diesel vehicles with electric, or where that’s not practical, with vehicles with zero emission from the tailpipe. In the short term, exposure can be reduced through maintenance and replacement of diesel engines, through ventilation, extraction, physical barriers and filters. Administrative controls can be applied quickly, for example drivers can keep their windows shut, and plan journeys at quieter times to reduce exposure.


3. Mineral oils 

Mineral oils are found in many metalworking fluids (MWF), and are used as lubricants and coolants, and to reduce corrosion. Metal workers, machinists and maintenance engineers in manufacturing, printing, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals are most affected, but anyone working near machinery that uses mineral oil containing MWF can be harmed.

When heated or under pressure, the oil generates an aerosol or mist, which is easily inhaled if people are not protected. Around 400 deaths each year in the UK from lung cancer, and a further 200 from bladder cancer are attributed to past exposure to mineral oils. In addition, mineral oils are believed to be responsible for 1700 people a year suffering from non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Although not fatal, this represents 1700 families suffering the anxiety and discomfort that comes with diagnosis and treatment. Exposure also causes dermatitis and asthma.

The first step in COSHH management is to look at reducing or eliminating the use of mineral oils. MWF with lower levels of mineral oils can reduce the risk of cancer, although still require management because of the other hazardous outcomes. COSHH management and assessment for MWF need to consider storage, mixing, cleaning and disposal of mineral oil products, as well as physical barriers and LEV during the use of equipment that could release mist. Where any residual risk remains, PPE to protect the skin, and RPE for the breathing will be needed.



4.Welding fumes

Like DEE, welding fumes contain more than one hazardous substance. Fumes include fine particles of metal, metal oxide and flux, as well as carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides and ozone. The HSE estimate that 200 occupational cancer deaths each year are caused by welding. In addition to lung and kidney cancer, welding fumes increase the likelihood of asthma, pneumonia and damage to the nervous system. Welding can expose people to another carcinogen, UV radiation. People in manufacturing and fabrication are most exposed. The risk is higher when welding metals contain chromium and nickel (like stainless steel) and cadmium or beryllium.

In 2019, after the IARC published updated evidence on the links between exposure to welding fumes and lung and kidney cancer, the UK HSE raised the standard of controls required for welding fumes. HSE inspectors will expect organisations to demonstrate that they are using the hierarchy of controls, and that staff have received appropriate COSHH training.



Lung cancer remains the most common cause of cancer death, both in the UK, and across the world. Despite advances in many areas of cancer treatment, 5-year survival rates for lung cancer are still poor compared with other common cancers. While smoking is still a common cause of many cancers, exposure at work to the carcinogens described here (including asbestos) are significant factors. Bladder cancer incidence could also be prevented by reducing workplace exposure.

Employers have a responsibility to identify and reduce exposure to carcinogens, and to provide relevant information, instruction and training.

Online COSHH training can support that process, explaining how to use the types of control measures described here, as part of a risk assessed solution. Staff also need information and training on health surveillance, so they know which symptoms to report before it’s too late.





Over the years, many organisations have shifted their training programmes from in-classroom sessions to online training. People in the modern workplace may have flexible working arrangements, such as remote working and part-time hours, or work in globally-dispersed teams, all of which can make face-to-face training inefficient and costly for organisations. But online training can be accessed anytime and anywhere. People can learn at their own pace and organisations can easily administer courses and track user completions. 

But creating online training isn’t as simple as making some presentation slides with images and text. The content and design of a course needs to drive engagement in order for people to successfully learn, retain and apply new information to their job.  

So how can you make sure that your training courses stimulate engagement and learning? Let’s look at 6 key elements that facilitate engaging online learning solutions.


1) Ensure that content is relevant

Have you ever been enrolled in a training course where the information was unrelated to your job? You might have felt the training was a waste of time or boring. 

When rolling out online training courses, consider what is necessary for each employee to learn about. For example, you want to roll out equality and diversity training in a particular department because there have been several cases of bullying in that team. Find out what the specific issues are in the team and tailor the training to address those problems. This way, the information is relevant and employees can apply what they have learned directly to their job. 

Review the material and make sure all of the content in the training helps meet the learning objectives. Content that is unrelated or doesn’t help deliver the learning outcomes is irrelevant and should be omitted. 


2) Keep it simple

In training, more isn’t necessarily better. Lots of diagrams, graphics, colours, lengthy text and complex navigation can be overwhelming and distracting, which can hinder engagement and learning. 

Keep the content simple. When writing or reviewing the training material, ask yourself:

  • Is there a simpler way of saying it? If there is, rephrase it so it is active, clear and short. 
  • Do the visuals reinforce the learning content and are they easy to understand? If the visuals don’t aid learning or if they are overly complex, delete it from the course or find a new visual.
  • Does the screen look busy? If it seems cluttered, reduce the text or remove/replace some graphics. 
  • Will the learner understand what to do on this screen? If it might be confusing, add in instructions or make the interaction or navigation simpler. 


3) Incorporate interactions

Add in interactions like drag and drop, multiple choice, branching scenarios, and clickable screens to make the courses more interactive and engaging. With interactive question screens, learners have to stop and think about the question(s) instead of just skimming through a block of text.

Interactions like click screens also make it easier for learners to absorb large amounts of information through ‘chunking’. So instead of presenting three large paragraphs of text, split up the content into separate clicks with an associated image or icon.


4) Use active learning 

Traditional learning environments use passive learning, where learners are presented information and then tested on that information. Active learning does the opposite – learners are presented with a question or problem and are asked to solve it prior to being presented with the information. For example, instead of outlining what inclusive language is, add in a multiple choice question where they have to identify what language they think is inclusive. Or have them match  inclusive language to the correct characteristic in a drag and drop interaction. This way, learners explore and solve problems for themselves using the combination of critical-thinking skills, experimentation and prior knowledge of the subject, which is proven to be more effective towards long-term learning. Even if they answered the question incorrectly, people learn through their mistakes and by any feedback provided to them. 


5) Make it scenario-based

The use of scenario-based learning allows learners to experience ‘real-life’, relatable situations, giving them an opportunity to solve problems and learn from their decisions. 

For example, you need to inform your employees about possible trip hazards in the workplace to protect their health and safety. Instead of just listing the different hazards and their responsibilities, create a situation that has occurred or that could occur at work. This gives employees a practical example of how, when and where trip hazards could occur and what actions they should take if they encounter this type of situation. 

Scenarios can be used sporadically throughout a course or as a continuous story across multiple screens or the entire course. Either method of scenario-based learning has shown to be an effective way to transfer knowledge and facilitate the application of learning. 


6) Communicate training value and outcomes

You won’t stimulate engagement and learning if training is viewed as a box-ticking exercise or something that everyone just has to do. People need to understand the value of the training. Communicate to them what they should expect to gain from learning this new information and how that will benefit them directly – not necessarily what the organisation will get out of it. 

Communication doesn’t stop after training has been rolled out. Be transparent about any successes or areas of improvement as a result of the training. For example, after everyone took our health and safety training, there has been an x% reduction in accidents and near misses. 

And don’t forget to praise your staff for their efforts. People are more likely to be engaged in future training sessions if they are recognised for their hard work and know their efforts can positively impact the workplace.



Improving people’s learning experiences can help to change how people go about their work tasks and drive organisational change. But online training needs to engage employees for knowledge transfer, retention and application to successfully occur. 

You can make your training engaging by making the content relevant, simple and interactive. Incorporating active learning and scenario-based learning allows people to apply critical thinking, experimentation and prior knowledge towards solving real-world problems. Lastly, communicate with your staff about the value behind training and the outcomes afterwards, being sure to recognise people for their hard work and commitment.

While you can’t force people to learn, with the right content and instructional design, online training has the opportunity to inspire engagement and learning throughout your organisation.

As part of our strategic development we have identified a need for a manager for our Galway operations, principally DevOps, Content Development and Level 2 Support. We need a leader to get these separate teams working together and we need this leader to develop new Testing and Data Security teams. We need a people manager with experience of leading teams in software development to facilitate improvement in recruiting, managing, mentoring and developing technical talent for our business.

EssentialSkillz have identified new market opportunities that we can transition our compliance eLearning solution towards. This requires new positioning and messaging from a marketing and sales perspective but it also requires continuing product development. The new Chief Operations Officer will enable us to more effectively direct the efforts of our existing 27-person strong technical teams in Galway towards this new market position and will also need to hire and develop more
technical talent in order for us to execute this new development.


2020 is nearly over and it’s safe to assume that many businesses will be glad to see the back of it. The Coronavirus pandemic brought unprecedented challenges that look likely to linger with us going into 2021, forcing businesses to quickly adapt to new processes and working environments.

However, in spite of the difficulties that we have all faced, the end of a year is traditionally a time for reflection. It is in this spirit that we wanted to look back on some of the highlights and updates from EssentialSkillz in 2020 as we move with optimism into a new year.

1) Courses and Risk Assessments Released in 2020

In 2020 we were pleased to add to our extensive library of courses with the release of an additional 20 new courses and 8 course updates. These included:

  • Sleep Essentials 
  • Physical Activity
  • Pandemic Awareness
  • Coronavirus Course
  • Environmental Awareness 
  • Resource Efficiency
  • Coping with Covid-19 anxiety
  • Health and Safety Induction
  • Money Laundering
  • Data Protection Course
  • Wellbeing & Remote Working
  • Lone Working
  • Homeworking
  • Return to work 
  • Return to work for managers
  • DriveWize
  • Managing Health and Safety
  • Financial Wellbeing
  • Hand arm vibration
  • Abrasive Wheels
  • Modern Slavery
  • Working at height
  • Prevent Duty
  • Risk Assessment
  • UKATA Category A Asbestos Awareness
  • The Equality Act 
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Manual Handling

In 2020 we also released 6 new risk assessments:

  • Coronavirus Self Assessment 
  • Fire Safety Self Assessment 
  • Manual Handling Self Assessment
  • Homeworkers Risk Assessment
  • Lone Working Risk Assessment
  • DriveWize Risk Assessment

2) New Refresher Pack of Health & Safety courses

We created a brand new Health & Safety Refresher Pack containing 7 of our most popular health and safety course titles:

  • Fire Safety
  • ErgoWize (DSE)
  • Slips, Trips and Falls
  • Electrical Safety
  • Manual Handling
  • Risk Assessment
  • Hazardous Substances

Each course includes the most critical, need-to-know information from our full-length titles and are about 10 minutes in duration. The courses can be used in conjunction with the full-length Health and safety courses we offer to help refresh employees’ knowledge on various topics.

3) Policy Sign Off feature

Our unique policy sign off feature is gaining significant popularity within the system and can be used to digitally sign off on policies and documents. This feature enables you to roll-out policies, documents and policy refreshers annually to your employees like a normal course. Employees can then read, understand and digitally sign off against the policy or document which is then recorded on their training record within your compliance platform. A digitally signed and time-stamped certificate is also saved to each employee’s record within the compliance platform.

4) New Course Templates

We have released 5 new screen templates that will allow you to efficiently create more interactive and engaging content within any new or existing course. They are very user friendly and also include detailed video tutorials to help you master each template.

They are:

  • Drag & drop template screen
  • Question template screen
  • Statements template screen
  • Clickable template screen
  • New Contenttemplate screen