Lag with building long forms

  • DAC6 is usually a pretty long form and we’ve all been experiencing a good amount of lag when trying to create a new question and type into the field. Rafi spent time looking into the issue and made some solid improvements.
  • See how it works here.

Highlight updates on submissions

  • DAC6 forms are constantly being updated as the matter details change. Admins need a way to know which fields have been updated at a glance. 
  • See how it works. 

Form review drawer updates

  • We’ve completed the first phase of re-designing the form drawer where admins will be spending time reviewing DAC6 submissions. We are trying to make it a bit easier to take action and to make it more visually pleasing.
  • Video demo

Added support for admins to submit incomplete forms 

  • We’ve had some feedback that admins should be able to submit a form for an end-user. Oftentimes the admin will be adding information that was sent to them through Outlook or some other source and now they will be able to submit the form.
  • See how it works. 

Added ability to totally delete forms 

Added description text under each role type

  • Admin? Form admin? End-user? Worry no longer,  we have description text now.
  • See here.

Ability to edit email templates

  • At the request of clients we added the option to edit our standard email templates. We’ve also made the ‘assignment’ email on invite-only forms accessible and editable. 
  • See how it works. 

View submission re-design

  • We are doing some design work on the ‘view submission’ drawer that opens when you click a submission in the register. The work is being done in phases and part one of adding a comments tab is complete.
  • See it here. 

Add conditional logic on multi-select field

Archive a field 

  • In addition to totally deleting a field on a form you can now archive it.
  • Why is that useful? See how it works.

View column name on hover

  • Long questions were being hidden on the grid; you can now hover to see the full question. 
  • See a demo here.

Add images to forms

  • This one is a bit tricky because you need to know the syntax, but it’s pretty cool for demos!
  • See how it works.

Add hyperlinks anywhere on a form

  • Up to this point we have supported links in a form added in the fields description. We have added the option to put links in field titles as well as the form description. 

Export Audit trail emails to PDF

  • Emails sent via Omnitrack are logged in the audit trail. You can now export a PDF version of any email. 
  • See how it works.

Saving column layout on submission grid

  • We have added the ability to set your view on the submissions grid and have it autosave to that view. Example: reorder the columns on the grid. 
  • See how it works.

Improvements to end-user form

  • Admins viewing the form as an end-user no longer see the admin menu at the top of the page.
  • We are no longer displaying form fields to the end user when ‘allow multiple submissions’ is set to ‘ off ’. We will just show a message that you already submitted a form along with a link to it. 

Bug fixes

Fixed new users added to group not getting assignment email

  • When a group is assigned to a form any new members of the group should also be assigned that form. This process was working but not sending emails to the new users. We have fixed the issue. 

Confirmation messages disappear faster

  • Confirmation messages are important for letting the user know that the system has taken the action they requested. However, the messages were stucking around a little too long so we shortened the time they appear for. 

Fixed date select bug

  • In some cases forms would not allow the user to select a date outside of the current month. We fixed the bug and you can now select any date in any month.

Fixed form description length

  • Form descriptions were too short and also caused a bug where the form would crash. We have extended description length to allow up to 5,000 characters. 

Fixed double email on add user

  • In some cases the user email field was displaying twice on ‘add new user’. This was very annoying as both fields were mandatory and had to be filled out. We fixed this bug and now it only displays once.

Fixed total submissions graph

  • The graph for ‘total submissions’ on the main dashboard was displaying the number of submissions flagged; this has been fixed.

Form Builder updates

  • Hovering ‘add new question’ button! 
  • Improved drag and drop experience
  • Form alignment 
  • See how they work!

Form template library

Move submissions to any status

  • We have removed the restriction of when you can change the status of a submission. You can now move submissions freely between inbox, register, and archived.
  • Click here for an example demo.

Display user and admin fields in the submissions grid

  • You can now display any fields using the ‘hide/show column’ functionality.
  • See how it works.

Submission grid layout saves

  • You can now re-order the columns on the register and the view will automatically save. 

Select all on grid for incomplete forms

  • Note: We will be adding a select all to every grid in the next OT version.
  • See how it works. 

Bug fixes

Request more info cancel button

  • Pressing cancel on ‘request more info’ will now leave the submission in its current status instead of sending it back to ‘incomplete’.

Export submission to PDF includes user data

  • For invite only and private forms you can now see user data on the PDF version.

Addition of ‘or’ condition between multiple logic rules

  • You can now create even more sophisticated logic on fields. Use multiple rules with ‘and’ or ‘or’ between them. 

Form template library

  • NOTE : This has not been rolled out yet but development is completed and we can turn it on.
  • New ‘browse our templates’ button!
  • The template library aims to make it super easy for potential and existing customers to get started with Omnitrack. All of our templates will be available in the library.
  • User can search for, preview, and use templates from the library.

Copy/Paste a list of items into form builder!

  • You can now copy and paste a list of items into the drop-down and multi choice fields in form builder.
  • For example: DAC6 list of all EU member states is super easy to generate without manually creating new lines in form builder.

More grid design enhancements

  • New! Click a grid row to view the full submission. You no longer need to click ‘View Submission’ on the Inbox. You can open a form by clicking a row on the grid.
  • We tightened up the design so more data appears on the grid
    • This includes less spacing and removing the big action buttons that used to sit at the far right of the grid.
  • Action buttons have been moved under the menu but also appear on the form now.

Bug fixes

Performance fixes

  • Fixed terrible lag in loading pages that have tons of content. 
  • Fixed lag when typing into form builder.
  • Fixed slowness with typing into a long end-user form

Fixed form names overlapping with actions

  • Basically an embarrassing bug where actions on a form were covered up by the form name. 

Fixed assignee column disappearing 

  • Assignee column was disappearing when there were more than 5 columns in the form.

Assignee Feature

  • We have added the ability to assign an admin to a specific submission!
    • This feature should improve the post submission workflow, as it allows multiple admins to collaborate on the review of a submission. Users will receive an email notification when a submission is assigned to them.

Changes to the ‘Assign Admins’ page

  • This is the page in form builder where you decide which admins can access the form. We have changed the name of the page to ‘Add admins’.
  • Updated the interface to look a lot better and removed unnecessary text explanation.
  • Changed the notification functionality
    • The notifications for new submissions are no longer global for all admins; you can now set notification preferences for each individual.
    • Added a notification option called ‘assigned to me’ for admins who only want to receive email notifications when they’re assigned a form.
  • Added the option to define a default assignee on the form
    • All new submissions will get assigned to the default assignee when it’s set.

New form setting

  • Admins can now choose where submissions that do not get flagged should be sent by default
    • Inbox
    • Register
    • Archived

Data Integration 

  • We’ve introduced an API that will support data integration with HR systems
  • Data integration is included with your Omnitrack purchase (but requires some IT setup.

Grid design enhancements

  • New! Click a grid row to view the full submission. You no longer need to click ‘View Submission’ on the Inbox. You can open a form by clicking a row on the grid.
  • We tightened up the design so more data appears on the grid
    • This includes less spacing and removing the big action buttons that used to sit at the far right of the grid.
  • Action buttons have been moved under the menu but also appear on the form now.

Update to SSO settings page

  • Zeev gave the SSO settings page a nice makeover which includes a new ‘download metadata’ button & PDF instructions for ADFS setup. 

Bug fixes

Email templates

  • Fixed text in two of our email templates
  • Fixed the problem of the admin welcome email being sent to users.

Single Sign-on

  • SSO is here and better than ever
  • We have built a dedicated ‘settings’ page within Omnitrack where more technical users can set up SSO on their own.

Public API’s

  • Made very good progress on opening up APIs for client use. This should become available on the settings page in the next week or so.

Export grids on reports

  • You can now export a grid from the reporting page.

Bug fixes

Audit trail display issue

  • The audit trail for form submissions was being pushed off the screen when the form was too long. We implemented a fix that limits the number of columns displayed by default.

Spelling mistakes

  • Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes in the user interface. Please let us know if you find any more!

Penetration test fixes

  • Worked on remediation from the recent pen test.

Reporting updates

  • You can now add ‘admin only’ data to the reporting grids.
  • Added the ability to add a submission status column to reporting grids.

Form builder improvement

  • The form builder will now highlight newly-added fields. We discovered that users were trying to type their questions into the right-hand side of the form (preview side) instead of the left (builder). The highlight should draw your attention to the left side to make it a bit more clear. 
  • Fields that are not eligible for flagging logic will not display the flag icon. In previous versions clicking on the flag icon was causing an error.

Penetration Testing

  • The application was penetration tested by a CREST accredited firm. 


  • Good progress made towards SAML integration. We completed the back end development and it should be ready to go within the next couple weeks. 

Bug fixes

Conditional logic issue

  • We realized that conditional logic was capped at 50 conditions. From condition 51, the form was not respecting the logic. We opened this up so that you can add up to 500. 

Export Submissions 

  • Export form to excel now displays the dates properly.