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“Due diligence” refers to the steps employers can take in advance to remove or minimise any foreseeable health

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Corporate travel – also known as business travel – refers to any journey undertaken for the purposes of

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Business travel is an important and often enjoyable part of a huge number of jobs, but it isn’t

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With so many businesses relying on well-organised corporate travel, increasing numbers are partnering with Travel Management Companies (TMCs)

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Many professions require regular domestic travel, whether as part of their day to day role or to attend

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Corporate travel is an important part of the work of most companies. Whether employees attend one major trade

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Business travel, like any work activity, comes with some level of risk. Whether the trip is a car

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Business travel is an integral part of many jobs and most employees will have to take at least

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Around one in five business travellers from the UK, Germany, Singapore, France and India have had to change

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