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DAC6 is a European regulation aimed at reducing international tax evasion and promoting transparency. DAC6 requires lawyers, accountants, tax advisers, bankers and other “intermediaries” to report some aggressive cross-border tax arrangements. These “mandatory disclosure requirements” (MDRs) are relevant for tax transactions that cross EU borders in which it seems that the primary purpose of the transaction is a tax advantage.

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To help businesses keep track of updates in UK legislation and policies, VinciWorks regularly publishes a regulatory update. Since our last update in February, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the majority of the world and changed the way we work.

This special edition of our regulatory agenda is designed to provide an overview of regulatory changes or new regulations recently passed, proposed, or on the agenda which are relevant to key compliance areas of VinciWorks’ clients in the UK. These include Acts of Parliament relating to COVID-19.

This edition of the regulatory agenda will cover the following:

  • Details of the government’s back-to-work initiatives
  • EU developments
  • Bills before Parliament
  • Upcoming legislation
  • Current open consultations
  • Closed consultations
  • Key points of the Queen’s speech that are relevant to compliance
  • An analysis of the manifesto commitments of the last election

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How do you make online health and safety training an experience that actually makes a difference in real time? How can you easily gather data on your staff’s workstation as well as physical and mental health, especially if they are working from home?

As part of our health and safety course, which has been adapted for home workers, users undertake a number of assessments related to their workstation setup. These immersive assessments can be integrated with our reporting tool, Omnitrack. Administrators can then collect rich, actionable data from their users while they complete these assessments. With so many employees currently working remotely, our tool will help businesses ensure all their staff have a comfortable and healthy space to work from home.

Demo health and safety course

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Register for our DAC6 email updates

For the past year, we have researched DAC6 in-depth, consulted with HMRC, hosted meetings with over 100 law firms, collaborated with international tax experts and built a DAC6 reporting tool. The tool features workflows designed and updated for the intricacies of each EU member state’s implementation of DAC6.

In this webinar we answered some of the most common questions we receive about DAC6 workflows and how those workflows can be implemented in the DAC6 reporting tool.

These questions include:

  • How do I set up reporting deadline reminders?
  • How do I deal with multiple jurisdictions?
  • How does on-premises hosting work?
  • How do I manage XML schemas?
  • When is the 30-day reporting period triggered?
  • How to deal with multiple jurisdictions
  • How to customise forms and dashboards to suit your firm and staff

During the meeting, we demonstrated how our tool can be used to manage any workflow and solve many of the coordination and compliance challenges that DAC6 poses. You can request a recording or book a demo by clicking the button below.

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In their latest draft guidance, HMRC have provided some additional clarity in relation to reporting triggers (note: this may still be subject to change). Vinciworks has summarised the additional clarifications below, along with explanations and examples:

Reporting triggers for promoters

There is a requirement for promoters to make a relevant report within 30 days of the earliest of:

  1.  The day after the arrangement is made available for implementation
  2.  The day after the arrangement is ready for implementation
  3.  When the first step in the implementation of the arrangement has been made
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OHS training for home workers

VinciWorks’ new course, Health and Safety: Working at Home, is specifically designed for people who need to know about health and safety while working from home. The course delivers short, interactive health and safety training units which are designed to make sure staff are conscious of safety concerns while they are working from home.

Based on VinciWorks’ health and safety training, the course focuses on aspects of health and safety that are pertinent to a home office, particularly ergonomics and proper use of display screen equipment (DSE).

Even if employees are working from home, employers still have a duty of care and are bound by the health and safety training requirements.

Course units

  • Basic ergonomics
  • Display Screen Equipment
  • Basic electrical safety
  • Basic first aid

Demo the course

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Mental health dashboard

This new course, based on our mental health training is designed to help learners cope with the unique mental health challenges that arise working from home, in isolation, especially in times of uncertainty and global pandemic.

The course includes guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and focuses on the particular mental health and stress issues that have arisen during the coronavirus pandemic.

In the optional manager training, there is specific guidance for helping managers navigate the Covid-19 situation and communicate effectively with employees.

Demo the course

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Screenshot of COVID-19 resource page

During the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, many organisations are asking their staff to work from home. The unpredictable nature of the pandemic could mean that this will continue for some time. As companies adjust to a distributed reality, we are facing new compliance challenges in the areas of GDPR, data privacy, cyber security, mental health, stress, ergonomic health and employee communication.

To help managers and staff get to grips with these new sets of circumstances, VinciWorks has built courses, updated current training, published guides and shared insightful blogs. We have collated these resources onto one central page so you can easily bookmark all the resources and share them with your colleagues.

The COVID-19 resource page includes:

  • Links to our COVID-19-related courses, including COVID-19: Working From Home
  • An on-demand webinar on how to keep data safe while working from home
  • Resources related to maintaining mental health while working from home

COVID-19 resource page

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Over half of the world is currently under lockdown, and one of the greatest challenges many organisations face is how to keep operating as close to normal as possible during this time. Unfortunately, during these times, compliance can often take a back seat, but GDPR hasn’t gone away.

In our 20-minute on-demand webinar, our Director of Learning and Content Nick Henderson takes us through the key things you need to remember to keep data safe during the current coronavirus crisis. He also gives guidance on how to ensure you prevent GDPR breaches while working remotely.

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Back in January, VinciWorks held a core group meeting with HMRC’s DAC6 policy lead James Marshall. A key outcome of the meeting was that HMRC would be required to provide clarifications in its DAC6 guidance document in order to answer many pressing questions that law firms and other intermediaries had about the UK’s implementation of DAC6. 

At the end of March 2020, HMRC shared with VinciWorks the latest version of its draft guidance. While the final guidance is not expected until later on in the year, the draft guidance gives much insight into HMRC’s view of this challenging piece of legislation. 

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