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In a new manifesto, MPs outline their vision for UK anti-corruption laws. What does this mean for the

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Es ist schwierig vorherzusagen, wie genau die regulatorische Zukunft künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) aussehen wird, primär, da sich die

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AI is everywhere, and the higher and further education sectors are no exception. Artificial intelligence is increasingly being

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Jeffrey Cook was found guilty of taking over £70K in kickbacks  Jeffrey Cook, a former Ministry of Defence

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Thousands of employees’ biometric data must be deleted, according to a new ruling by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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  Workplaces should be safe environments, but unexpected emergencies do happen. Being prepared is vital to ensure your

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Seit dem 17. Juli 2023 besteht zwischen der EU und den USA ein freier Fluss von personenbezogenen Daten

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Um zu sehen, wie die Zukunft aussehen kann, ist es oft hilfreich Geschichte zu studieren. Im Jahr 1955

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This charge is the first in an investigation initiated by the newly-launched National Anti-Corruption Commission A former employee

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