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Temu, ein chinesischer Online-Marktplatz, hat sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu einem prominenten Akteur im E-Commerce entwickelt. Seit seiner

Picture of Thomas Falk

Thomas Falk

Der nordrhein-westfälische Justizminister Benjamin Limbach (Grüne) erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Bundesregierung: Deutschland unternehme nicht genug, um die

Picture of Thomas Falk

Thomas Falk

Die steigenden Compliance-Kosten durch das EU-Gesetz zur Künstlichen Intelligenz (AI-Act) stellen Unternehmen in Europa vor große Herausforderungen. Führende

Picture of Nick Henderson

Nick Henderson

When passed in 2015, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 was celebrated as being a world-leading piece of legislation

Picture of Sara Henna Dahan

Sara Henna Dahan

The Data Usage and Access Bill [House of Lords], or DUAB, is the latest piece of legislation aimed

Picture of Nick Henderson

Nick Henderson

Increase in response to a flood of cases referred by the SRA The Legal Services Board (LSB) approved

Picture of naomi grossman

naomi grossman

Despite growing awareness around disability in society and employment, disabled people are still more likely to be unemployed

Picture of VinciWorks


The Bar Standards Board has launched a consultation on proposed amendments to the Equality Rules. The consultation runs

Picture of VinciWorks


The Worker Protection Act 2023 comes into force on 26 October 2024, imposing a new, proactive duty on

Picture of VinciWorks


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