What does your business need to know about sustainability in its supply chain?

It has become increasingly important for companies to understand their supply chain and the sustainability implications at each stage of the journey. Conducting effective supply chain due diligence is critical and enables companies to understand and address the risks associated with the different stages of a product’s journey from the supplier to the end customer. 

Supply chain due diligence is essentially a systematic risk management process that involves a comprehensive assessment of the social, environmental and ethical practices of suppliers, contractors and other partners. The process can help minimise the negative impacts of a company’s operations on people and the environment. It can also ensure legal compliance and, significantly, protect your company’s reputation. 

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As regulations appear to be increasing and stakeholders care more than ever about non-financial issues, it’s time to answer all your questions

There’s no doubt about it: We are entering a new era in sustainability. There are regulations that companies are dealing with both in the UK and the EU and stakeholders are clamouring for more accountability. You just want to know what you need to do. 

We get it. We gathered up what so many of you have asked and provided answers to everything we think you need to know. 

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