Sustainability strategies in the era of increasing regulation and stakeholder interest

The era of sustainability is upon us. What began with corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) frameworks, is the move towards non-financial mandated reporting that will fundamentally shift how firms and their clients view the significance of sustainability. Most recently, the EU enacted its corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD) which is designed to make corporate sustainability reporting more common, consistent and standardised – like financial accounting and reporting. 

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This EU initiative, designed to promote sustainability in the EU and globally, will define obligations for large companies regarding impacts on human rights and the environment

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is legislation designed to get companies to protect the environment, maintain social justice and promote a stronger, sustainable economy. It requires that companies consider the social and environmental impact of their operations by promoting transparency and encouraging companies to be more proactive in identifying and mitigating sustainability risks. 

A watered-down version of the Directive that was originally proposed was approved and entered into force in July.

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What does your business need to know about sustainability in its supply chain?

It has become increasingly important for companies to understand their supply chain and the sustainability implications at each stage of the journey. Conducting effective supply chain due diligence is critical and enables companies to understand and address the risks associated with the different stages of a product’s journey from the supplier to the end customer. 

Supply chain due diligence is essentially a systematic risk management process that involves a comprehensive assessment of the social, environmental and ethical practices of suppliers, contractors and other partners. The process can help minimise the negative impacts of a company’s operations on people and the environment. It can also ensure legal compliance and, significantly, protect your company’s reputation. 

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Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is shining a light on supply chain transparency. What does your business need to know about sustainability in its supply chain now?

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an ESG (environmental, social and governance) standard enacted by the EU. It is designed to make corporate sustainability reporting more common, consistent and standardised like financial accounting and reporting. 

The first companies are going to have to report on the CSRD soon. The directive has come into force and the deadline for EU member states to transpose it into national law was July 6th. (Although that deadline does not seem to concern most EU member states. Only a few have completed the legislative process.)

Still, CSRD dramatically extends the scope of sustainability reporting requirements to tens of thousands of additional companies, including all large companies and all listed companies. CSRD also applies to large companies not in the EU, but who have an EU subsidiary which meets the criteria. It is estimated that the number of companies required to report will increase from around 11,000 under NFRD to nearly 50,000 as part of CSRD.

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The first companies are going to have to report on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive soon. It’s time for our FAQ edition about the new regulation

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an EU ESG standard enacted by the EU. It is designed to make corporate sustainability reporting more common, consistent and standardised like financial accounting and reporting. The new directive’s impact is far-ranging and essentially modernises and strengthens the social and environmental information that companies have to report. 

The directive has come into force and the deadline for EU member states to transpose it into national law was July 6th. That deadline does not seem to concern most EU member states. Only a few have completed the legislative process

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What do UK organisations need to know about the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive?

The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is new legislation that recently came into force with first reporting requirements coming next year. The directive will require all large and listed companies to publish regular reports on the social and environmental risks they face, and on how their activities impact people and the environment. It’s an important part of delivering on the European Green Deal – an ambitious effort whose ultimate goal is a carbon-neutral Europe.

Part of that effort involves putting sustainability reporting “on the map” so it becomes an issue of significance for companies. CSRD defines – for the first time – a common reporting framework for non-financial data, encompassing not just climate change but broader Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics. 

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The deadline has passed but most EU member states are still at the draft stage – or worse

The deadline for transposing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) into national law was July 6th. But that deadline does not seem to concern most EU member states. Only a few have completed the legislative process. 

In fact, most EU states are stuck in the drafting stage with some holding out in preliminary internal consultations. Incredibly, this includes five of the six founding members of the EU, France being the notable exception. 

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As regulations appear to be increasing and stakeholders care more than ever about non-financial issues, it’s time to answer all your questions

There’s no doubt about it: We are entering a new era in sustainability. There are regulations that companies are dealing with both in the UK and the EU and stakeholders are clamouring for more accountability. You just want to know what you need to do. 

We get it. We gathered up what so many of you have asked and provided answers to everything we think you need to know. 

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What you need to know to prepare your organisation for the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive 

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an ESG (environmental, social and governance) standard enacted by the EU. It is designed to make corporate sustainability reporting more common, consistent and standardised like financial accounting and reporting. 

The new directive’s impact is far-ranging and essentially modernises and strengthens the social and environmental information that companies have to report. 

Why do I need to think about it now?

Because CSRD entered into force on July 25, 2024. EU member states have until July 26, 2026 to transpose the Directive into national law. On July 26, 2027, the rules will start to apply to companies, with a gradual phase-in between 3 and 5 years after entry into force. 

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