How does your organisation collect and process gifts and corporate hospitality given to your staff? How do you
Health and safety training has a reputation for focussing on safety, rather than on health. And yet while
On 31 December 2020, the UK made drastic changes to its domestic version of DAC6. Significantly, in the
Gibraltar and Brexit In light of the Brexit Fair Trade Agreement that passed through parliament on 30 December
Features & improvements DAC6 reporting DAC6 XML reporting is now available for all requested jurisdictions that have a
Register for our DAC6 email updates We are publishing a series of guides on how each EU member
Register for our DAC6 email updates We are publishing a series of guides on how each EU member
Register for our DAC6 email updates We are publishing a series of guides on how each EU member
As the initial reporting deadline for DAC6 approaches, VinciWorks’ DAC6 reporting tool is prepared for reporting across EU
The Irish Revenue has released new DAC6 guidance including the option to file a partial report when legal
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