A guide to AML compliance that can help make sure your firm doesn’t fall short

As anyone in the regulated sector knows, anti-money laundering (AML) regulations are constantly changing. It feels like one AML directive comes out and then we are already preparing for the next one. Sanctions are also ever-evolving. One day a country is not sanctioned and you can do business with them. The next day, they are on the sanctions list and you can’t do business with them. 

If you don’t ensure your AML processes are constantly being updated, you could end up getting fined – or worse. In addition to the ever-changing regulations, your client’s circumstances are evolving. You could do your due diligence on a company that your client wants to invest in and it all looks legitimate. Your client invests the money. Two years later, you learn that the company had started laundering funds for a criminal group that made them an offer they couldn’t (or didn’t want to) refuse. 

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