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VinciWorks has released a new HIPAA course, to train learners about HIPAA and related federal legislation. The Health

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Register for our DAC6 email updates No reporting delay in Germany Germany recently made the shock announcement that

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Register for our DAC6 email updates DAC6 is a European Directive aimed at tackling tax avoidance and strengthening

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The UK’s alert level for COVID-19 was recently downgraded from level 4 to 3 and, in light of

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The EU-US Privacy Shield is no more. In a dramatic move, the European Court of Justice ruled the

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If you’ve returned to your workplace or are planning to soon, no doubt health and safety has been

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To help businesses keep track of updates in UK legislation and policies, VinciWorks regularly publishes a regulatory update.

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Register for our DAC6 email updates DAC6 is a European Directive aimed at tackling tax avoidance and strengthening

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Conditional logic for reminders We have created a robust query builder for reminders that will give admins nuanced

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