Modern slavery involves the exploitation of people and can present in many forms, making it difficult to recognise. The term encompasses: dehumanising a person; forcing someone to work against their will; restricting someone’s freedom of movement; treating someone as a commodity or property; defining a person as owned or controlled by another. Human trafficking is the threatening, tricking or coercing of a person into a situation that allows them to be exploited. Victims are sold for financial gain, either within their own country or outside of it. Labour exploitation entails forcing people to work for little or no money. Many human trafficking victims are sold into labour exploitation. Labour exploitation is the most common type of slavery currently in operation within the UK.

The Victims of Labour Exploitation

The victims of labour exploitation are subjected to unacceptable working and living conditions. They are often housed in squalid, unsanitary and overcrowded accommodation. They might constantly be moved from job to job and are forced to work incredibly long hours, sometimes double shifts. Sufferers of labour exploitation are regularly faced with verbal and/or physical abuse. Not only are their workers’ rights violated, but also their basic human rights.

Identifying Modern Slavery in Your Supply Chain

There are many factors which must be considered when assessing whether modern slavery exists in your supply chain. You must always keep your eyes peeled for modern slavery red flags. The location of your suppliers is a vital indicator and a good place to begin. Whilst modern slavery is present the world over, some countries have higher rates than others. The Global Slavery Index highlights high risk countries, for example: India, China, Thailand and Bangladesh, it should be consulted when selecting a supplier.

Secondly, analysis of supplier labour hire practices indicates the respect that employees are treated with. You should observe the treatment of employees during recruitment, employment and contract termination. The following red flags may indicate modern slavery:

  • Excessive recruitment fees and/or illegally charging workers for health checks.
  • Misinformation surrounding contract details or no clear written contract provided.
  • Unnecessary wage deduction or underpayment of workers.
  • Confiscation of workers passports or limitation of their visas to a single company.
  • Workers being subjected to inhumane treatment, forced to work excessive hours and/or being subjected to physical or mental abuse.
  • Undocumented workers being threatened with the authorities if they leave.
  • Charging workers early termination fees and/or a security fee in order to prevent them leaving employment.
  • Much like the fact that slavery is present in all countries, it is also present in all industry sectors. It is however, more common in some sectors than others. Seasonal industries are a hotbed of modern slavery due to the temporary nature of work. Similarly, industries that are focused in countries with high rates of modern slavery and consequently linked with higher modern slavery prevalence. Some such industries are:
    • Agriculture
    • Clothing and footwear manufacture
    • Fishing
    • Construction
    • Manufacturing
    • Retail
    • Beautician sector
    • Hospitality

    It is also important to keep your eyes peeled for any public concerns raised surrounding your suppliers. Such information may come in a number of forms, for example: media campaigns, non-governmental organisation reports and audit non-compliance. These concerns should be escalated and investigated further as they are often indicative of deep-rooted issues.

    Why Is It Important to Recognise Modern Slavery in Your Supply Chain?

    Slavery has now been abolished in every country and is strictly illegal to practice. It was abolished throughout the British Empire in 1833 and the current governing legislation in the UK is the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Those found guilty of a Modern Slavery Act offence face legal prosecution and could ultimately receive a life sentence. The scale of this criminal activity is shocking. L’Oréal, Revlon, Boots and Estée Lauder have been linked to child labour exploitation in India, illegally mining for Mica. Hershey, Ferrero and Lindt are linked to child labour and forced labour in West African cocoa production. Pandora, Goldsmiths and Tiffany to slavery and human trafficking with gold mining. With household names branded across newspaper headlines it is no surprise that huge reputational blows followed imminently. If you are found to be connected to modern slavery, even inadvertently, you risk coming under massive public scrutiny. With the astounding prevalence and a spotlight on transparency, it is crucial you thoroughly explore the considerable possibility that modern slavery exists within your supply chain. In order to identify it, you must first familiarise yourself with what modern slavery is and how it can present within your supply chain. Regular modern slavery training courses help to facilitate this understanding and protect not only the victims of slavery, but your company as well.


The word “slavery” may conjure images of cotton fields in the deep south of America, a civil war that divided a nation and the revolutionary abolition of slavery. However, it is critical that we recognise that slavery still exists. In fact, it is the second largest criminal industry worldwide, generating around $150 billion a year. It is estimated that a massive 40 million people suffer in slavery worldwide, 13,000 of whom live in the UK. Modern slavery can be defined as the exploitation of people. It comes in a variety of different forms that can consequently be difficult to recognise. Whilst slavery may not be as blatant as it was historically, it is very much still present. Its abolition has forced perpetrators to become more devious, therefore we must educate ourselves in recognising and addressing modern slavery.

The Abolition and Evolution of Slavery

The UK abolished slavery in 1833, whilst the USA followed suit in 1865. However, the last country, Mauritania, did not abolish slavery until 1981. Slavery was so deeply imbedded in some cultures that abolition alone could not stop the practice. Over two and a half centuries on from the UK’s abolition, it has become increasingly apparent that slavery sadly features in today’s society. Whilst the abolition of slavery has not ceased the practice, it has instead forced criminals to change the ways in which they practice slavery. This has led to an evolution in exploitation and meant that slavery is harder than ever to recognise.

The Different Forms of Modern Slavery

The distinct forms of modern slavery are often co-existent and overlapping. However, they can be broadly divided into ten types:

Types of Slavery Definition
Human trafficking The threatening, coercion or tricking of people into a situation where they can be exploited and traded for financial gain.
Labour exploitation Forcing people to work for little or no money.
Sexual exploitation Forcing individuals to work in the sex industry, including: online sites, brothels, pole dancing clubs and street prostitution.
Financial exploitation The targeting of vulnerable people by trusted individuals, to steal money or take out loans in their name.
Forced organ harvesting The removal of someone’s organs/eggs for sale on the black market.
Forced criminality Coercing people to participate in criminal activities like begging, prostitution and theft.
Forced, early or sham marriages Coercion of people into marriages against their will.
EU status exploitation The targeting of EU citizens for sham marriages in order to obtain citizenship.
Descent based or hereditary Where people are born into slavery due to their families’ ranking in society.
Domestic servitude Coercion of people into performing housework against their will, which is often accompanied by imprisonment.

Recognising Modern Slavery

The first step towards combatting modern slavery is recognising it. The victims of modern slavery do not fit one universal profile as slavery is indiscriminate of age, race, wealth and gender. Some types of slavery correlate with a higher proportion of some profiles, however. For instance, domestic servitude often affects young, foreign women; labour exploitation mainly affects men and sexual exploitation more commonly affects women and children. Victims of modern slavery are often reluctant to reveal the extent of their mistreatment. This can be because they are afraid of their “owners”, they fear being deported if they don’t have a legitimate visa or they are accompanied by the perpetrators when in contact with the public, for example. For this reason, we must be vigilant for any indicators and red flags of modern slavery. Here are some signs you can look out for:

  • Victims will often live in squalid, overcrowded conditions and be moved from job to job regularly.
  • They may be subjected to inhumane treatment such as physical and verbal abuse.
  • Often victims have physical injuries and/or deformities from their work and abuse.
  • Hygiene facilities are often lacking so victims may have poor personal hygiene and wear dirty, old clothes.
  • Aggression and nervousness can be psycho-behavioural indicators of modern slavery.

Why is Modern Slavery an Important Issue in Today’s Society?

The sheer number of people suffering in modern slavery worldwide demands both our attention and our action. The Modern Slavery Act 2015 streamlines legislation by consolidating and simplifying all existing offences relating to modern slavery and trafficking. Section 54 of the act concentrates on increasing transparency in supply chains, making modern slavery the responsibility of all. A key approach for combating modern slavery is increasing public awareness. Knowledge and understanding of modern slavery types, along with our responsibilities, is essential. Undertaking regular modern slavery training courses helps to develop and refresh the skills required to confine slavery to the history books.