Everyone has the right to work free of unlawful discrimination or harassment, but unfortunately this does not always happen. Sexual harassment is one of the most pervasive forms of unlawful discrimination and it can impact every business and every person. Following the PRC’s release of new obligations aimed at preventing sexual harassment, VinciWorks will soon be releasing a new course aimed at raising awareness of the prevalence and impact of sexual harassment, harassment, and bullying in the workplace. The course complies with the sexual harassment obligations in force as of 1 January 2020 contained in Article 1010 of the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (中华人民共和国民法典).

Course features

  • Unique design, delivering a mobile-first, immersive experience
  • Brings to life the real impact of bullying and harassment at work through hard hitting stories based on real experiences
  • All content is tailored to be relevant to users in the PRC 
  • The Laws and Legislation section gives a comprehensive overview of the new 2021 sexual harassment law as well as other sexual harassment laws
  • Includes a section where users can share their experiences, with an option to have their experiences included anonymously in future versions of the course
  • Includes a section with information on how to report incidents and get help
  • Two language options: English and Chinese

Learning outcomes

  • Understand what constitutes sexual harassment, harassment and bullying behaviour
  • Develop an emotional, empathetic connection to the stories in the course
  • Help users understand the culture of their workplace when it comes to harassment
  • Learn hard-hitting facts and statistics about harassment
  • Develop active bystander skills to have increased confidence to challenge inappropriate behaviour
  • Have the option to submit experiences, tips, ideas and solutions for challenging harassment in the workplace

If you would like to know more about the course and be updated when it is released, complete the short form below and someone from our team will be in touch.