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The SRA announced earlier this year that it would be launching a crackdown against firms who fall foul

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The Fifth Money Laundering Directive is set to be transposed into national law by 10 January 2020. The

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Track ILT training alongside eLearning Track offline “Instructor Led” or Classroom Training alongside eLearning creating a single unified

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Public APIs Public APIs are now available for Users and Forms.  Documentation can be found in the settings

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Failure to comply with health and safety laws can result in both civil and criminal penalties. As an

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Hundreds of thousands of UK workers suffer from workplace violence every year. Many more suffer the trauma of
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A market study published by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has concluded that around six million customers ended

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What is an OHS policy? The OHS policy refers to the Occupational Health and Safety policy. It is

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