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Fraud by false representation is dealt with in Section 2 of the UK Fraud Act 2006, due to

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Our Hazardous Substances Courses Hazard symbols are there to alert people to the presence of a potentially harmful

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Financial fraud is the considerable offence of hacking another individual’s financial transactions or accounts, for a fraudster’s gain.

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Our Information Security Courses Cyber fraud is the most common and threatening form of fraud which takes place

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The term “corporate fraud” has two possible meanings. It can be the fraudulent offence either conducted by a

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Related Courses Poor food safety can have a range of consequences, including consumers becoming very ill, food businesses

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Benefit fraud is the conscious act of claiming a benefit which you are not legally entitled to. This

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Our Fraud Courses Fraud is a criminal offence conducted through dishonest practice with the intention to gain a

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Our related Courses There are many hazards related to food safety, which could be biological, chemical, physical or

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