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A solicitor with decades of experience was fined by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) and ordered to pay

Picture of Sara Henna Dahan

Sara Henna Dahan

A questionable source of origin in the global grain trade has shed new light on the critical risks

Picture of Nick Henderson

Nick Henderson

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is in hot water over its controversial proposal to publicly name firms under

Picture of naomi grossman

naomi grossman

In a striking case that underscores the serious consequences of failing to meet anti-money laundering (AML) and financial

Picture of Nick Henderson

Nick Henderson

Die NIS2-Richtlinie markiert einen entscheidenden Schritt der EU zur Verbesserung der Cybersicherheit in Europa. Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichsten Sektoren

Picture of Thomas Falk

Thomas Falk

Am 2. Februar 2025 trat die EU-KI-Verordnung offiziell in Kraft – ein Meilenstein, der den Umgang mit künstlicher

Picture of Thomas Falk

Thomas Falk

Fire safety continues to be a top priority in 2025, with regulations continuing to evolve. One of the

Picture of Sara Henna Dahan

Sara Henna Dahan

UPDATE: This original blog was published on 6 February 2025. Four days later on 10 February 2025, the

Picture of Nick Henderson

Nick Henderson

Die rasante Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz hat in den letzten Jahren zu einem Wettlauf um leistungsfähige Sprachmodelle geführt.

Picture of Thomas Falk

Thomas Falk

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