True in life as in business, tough times can make us stronger. Yet, despite how comforting these words sound, many organisations have struggled to survive over the past year – and there’s still much to consider.

It’s true that, in many respects, successful organisations and employees alike are used to staying alert and dealing with the uncertainties that working life throws at them. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant this state of being has become a constant.

Living in a perpetual state of emergency, the so-called ‘new normal’, doesn’t allow us to ever put our guard down – a truth that threatens our health as well as our businesses.

What is pandemic fatigue?

Over the past months many of us have experienced something experts are naming ‘pandemic fatigue’. It’s a state of emotional burn out brought on because our fight or flight system (the emotional reaction to stress that has been otherwise energising us through the pandemic) is totally overloaded. When this happens, the constant flow of adrenaline in our systems starts to drain and apathy settles in.

Whilst an ongoing and successful vaccine roll-out has brought with it some much-needed hope, feelings of exhaustion and hopelessness can quickly overwhelm positive emotions. After all, emotional endurance dwindles over time and, given the nature of the pandemic, we don’t have the same sense of security we could fall back on pre-pandemic.

What are the signs of pandemic fatigue?

It’s going to be important to be able to spot signs of pandemic fatigue in ourselves as well as those we work alongside. After all, pandemic fatigue can result in a lax approach to public health measures (wearing masks, washing hands, social distancing), which could land your business with stiff fines – even closure in extreme cases.

Additionally, as employers, we owe a duty of care to our staff under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Indeed, it’s one of the reasons H&S training exists – all reasonable steps must be taken to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of those in our employment.

Below are some signs to watch out for in yourself and your employees:

  • Aforementioned indifference or non-adherence to coronavirus safety measures
  • Sleeping enough, yet still feeling exhausted
  • Feeling more irritable or impatient than usual
  • Feeling stressed by tasks you usually complete with ease
  • Feeling disinterested or apathetic towards activities you used to find enjoyable
  • Feelings of detachment or hopelessness about the future
  • Lack of focus and concentration, even on day-to-day tasks
  • Increased consumption of alcohol, food, or other substances (often used to manage above feelings)

Managing pandemic fatigue

It’s difficult to over-communicate at times like these, so don’t be afraid to start difficult conversations. How you do this is up to you; some may prefer individual managers to speak to their teams (if the business is big enough), others may prefer to circulate information and/or resources via a company newsletter or wellbeing email.

Be prepared to have private conversations with employees that are struggling. If they are feeling overwhelmed, connect them to available COVID-19 mental health resources or other forms of counselling your business may have access to.

Remember to check in on a regular basis with your remote staff. Make sure they have the tools and equipment they need to work efficiently and safely from home and, whether you/your staff are back in the office or at home, the below methods can help reduce the impact of pandemic fatigue and help us to stay strong and resilient:

  • Monitor your social media / ‘doom scrolling’

At the moment, one of the biggest distractions is the news. Checking for COVID-19 updates, or clicking on news alerts as and when they pop up, is going to be hard to resist.

But be wary of scrolling yourself into despair. Relying on unreputable sources for news about the outbreak can fuel anxiety, making it difficult to concentrate and putting your mental health at risk.

  • Replenish your energy

Burnout can occur when you feel stuck, resulting in feeling out of control, so factoring in relaxation activities is more than just icing on the cake when it comes to wellbeing.

Going for walks/runs, enjoying a bath or a book, cooking, baking, gardening, or any activity you can safely enjoy will go a long way to restoring balance and upkeeping motivation levels.

  • Stick to a routine

Of particular importance to those working from home, finding a new routine and sticking to it can be a big help when it comes to battling pandemic fatigue.

Routines are safe and predictable and, as such, are a powerful antidote to stress because they create feelings of stability.

  • Don’t cut yourself off

It’s natural, when we feel stressed, to push friends, family, and colleagues away out of frustration, but this will only increase stress long-term.

Teamwork and communication is the key here, so keep communication lines open and don’t be afraid to show a little vulnerability. It helps to know we’re all in the same boat sometimes. We can all help one another maintain hope.

Infectious diseases often spread when bacteria, viruses, or other germs are passed from person to person, for example, through touching, kissing, or coughing and sneezing near uninfected people.

Infectious diseases can be caused by:

  • Bacteria – These one-cell organisms often help humans (e.g. by aiding with digestion), however some are responsible for diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis and are treated with antibiotics.
  • Viruses – Even smaller than bacteria, viruses cause a multitude of diseases, e.g. the common cold or flu. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses; they are treated with antiviral medication.
  • Fungi – Many skin diseases, such as ringworm and athlete’s foot, are caused by fungi.
  • Parasites – A parasite is an organism that lives on or inside another organism and some of them can spread diseases, e.g. malaria.

There are simple things you and your colleagues can do to stop the spread of infectious disease in your workplace (and at home!)

  1. Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is widely acknowledged to be the single most important activity for reducing the spread of disease, although many of us don’t wash our hands thoroughly enough after using the bathroom, handling food or animals, or coughing/sneezing.

Remember to wet your hands thoroughly and lather soap for at least 20 seconds on the front and back of your hands, in-between fingers, and under nails. Always ensure hands are dried completely after washing and use warm water whenever possible

2. Cover your mouth and nose

Many diseases are spread through coughing and sneezing – remember, germs can travel 3 feet or more!

If you are unwell, you should avoid close contact with others (try to stand at least 1 metre away) and cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Keep tissues handy at home and work to catch coughs and sneezes and always throw away once used. Wash your hands after coughing/sneezing into them or using a tissue.

3. Stay home if you are unwell

It’s important not to fall into the trap of ‘presenteeism’ when unwell, as this risks spreading the illness to others (which could have a negative impact on the business at large) and extending your own recovery time due to lack of rest and recuperation.

When you are unwell, don’t shake hands, hug, or touch others. You might also call ahead for any medical appointments to see if there’s anything you can do to avoid infecting others in the waiting room.

It is OK to accept deliveries such as food/medical supplies, so long as you avoid close contact with the person dropping the items off.

4. Prepare food safely

Many of us eat or prepare food at work, so it’s important to thoroughly wash and dry your hands before preparing food, after touching raw food (including fruits and vegetables), and after eating.

When cooking or re-heating food, always follow the instructions on the label and/or check your food is piping hot in the middle. This helps to kill certain germs such as salmonella and E.coli.

Don’t re-heat food more than once and ensure your fridge is kept at the right temperature for food storage (between 0°C and 5°C).

5. Keep work surfaces clean

Some infectious diseases can be spread by touching a surface or object that has been contaminated by an infected person. Regularly cleaning your work surfaces (such as desk, tables, printers, door-handles and kitchen surfaces) will help reduce the spread of infections.

Clean surfaces with hot soapy water or your normal household cleaning product. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on correct product use. Reusable cloths should be disinfected and then dried after use, as bacteria and viruses can still survive on damp cloths.

Want to refresh your employees’ memories on how to prevent infectious diseases? Try our new short-course, ‘Preventing the Spread of Infection’ which details best practice and hygiene standards to minimise the risk of spreading viruses and other infections in the workplace. This course is part of our health and safety suite.