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Using scenarios to promote learning effectiveness In this video we take a closer look at scenario-based learning and

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Social engineering is another technique used by hackers to gain personal data from individuals through unauthorised access. This

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The concept of phishing is simple, pretend to be someone you’re not to get money/personal details out of

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Data Protection is the precautionary procedure used to control personal information used by businesses and organisations. The Data

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Money laundering is the term used to describe the act of disguising illegal money to make it seem

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Passwords are possibly the first thing that come to mind when we think of maintaining privacy whilst online.

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Remote working has many benefits, it’s flexible, cost-effective on the commute, and can reduce stress levels and sick

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In this video, our Learning Design Director, Stacey, demonstrates how implementing an adaptive learning program facilitates next level

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The rise of remote working since the Covid-19 pandemic has seen cybercrime skyrocket, with opportunist criminals targeting employees

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