Pre-built Workflows

Omnitrack empowers businesses to streamline their data collection, follow-up, approvals, and reporting processes all from a centralised portal. With unparalleled flexibility and an intuitive interface, you have complete control over your workflows, ensuring compliance and efficiency across various industries.

All-in-one solutions

FCA Compliance Suite

Compliance Suite for Law Firms

SRA Compliance Management Suite

Ready-to-go workflows

AML Client Onboarding

Annual Compliance Declaration Tracking

Complaints Registers

DAC6 Reporting

GDPR Registers

Gifts & Hospitality Reporting

Health and Safety Risk Assessments

Health and Safety Incident Reporting Tool

Human Resources Management

Incidents and Breaches Reporting

Mandatory Disclosure Rules

UK Modern Slavery Act

The Posted Workers Directive (PWD)

Risk Management

Supplier Onboarding

Whistleblowing Reporting

Workplace Diversity Questionnaire

Powered by Omnitrack

Manage data collection and workflows from one central platform. Gain complete control over your workflows.

Centralised database

Store all your data in a central database, eliminating the need for multiple documents, PDFs, or spreadsheets.

Customisable forms

Use our best-practice templates and tailor them to your specific needs.

Dynamic dashboards

Track submissions and identify trends efficiently with custom dashboards that provide real-time data and analytics.

Automated workflows

Set up automated reminder emails, notifications for flagged items, and escalation for unresolved issues.

Comprehensive flagging

Automatically highlight high-risk submissions, saving time and ensuring no critical issues are overlooked.

Quick reporting

Generate detailed, graphical reports in seconds, making it easy to analyse and share data with stakeholders.

Experience exceptional
for yourself

Request a free demo. We’ll get back to you.

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