Mental Health: Managing Stress (UK)

This course describes how to carry out a stress risk assessment based on the HSE Management Standards approach.
When excessive pressure at work causes stress, and the stress is unmanaged, it can put employees' health at risk, affecting their personal life, workplace relationships and the organisation.
The organisation has a legal duty to protect employees' health at work by assessing the factors that could lead to work-related stress and taking measures to remove or reduce the risk. By being proactive and working with your staff, you can promote a happier and healthier workplace for all.
The Stress Management at Work course is designed for managers, supervisors or those involved in the stress risk assessment process. The course describes how to carry out a stress risk assessment based on the HSE Management Standards approach, which helps the organisation identify causes of stress and come up with solutions for how to prevent and reduce work-related stress among staff.
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This is a trial version of the course Stress Management at Work. Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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