Mental Health: Managing Stress (UK)

This short film shows how being able to manage stress effectively is key to supporting the well-being of both your staff and your business.
Stress is a major problem for employers and employees alike, costing UK businesses and organisations billions of pounds every year and blighting the lives of millions of people in the workplace and beyond. Employers have a legal responsibility to protect the physical and mental health of their staff, and a key part of this is being able to minimise the risks posed by stress in the workplace. Combining analysis from leading business psychologists with powerful personal accounts from people with experience of stress-related mental health problems, this short film looks at the key triggers for stress and sets out practical steps that employers can take to reduce their impact and support general mental well-being at work.
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This is a trial version of the course Mental Health in the Workplace: Managing Stress (UK). Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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