Tackling Race Bias at Work: A Guide for Managers

This short film looks at how gender bias can impact on equality and diversity at work and sets out some key practical steps for tackling it.
Studies have shown that contrary to common opinion, there are no differences at all in terms of women's and men's cognitive abilities. What's more, the gendered roles that today appear immutable have not always been so. History tells us that prior to the industrial revolution, men and women performed a wide range of mutually interchangeable roles, and even 100 years ago, jobs that today are seen as typically ‘female' were done almost exclusively by men. Yet today's workplace is hampered more than ever by perceptions of gender-specific roles and broadly accepted ‘norms' of gender behaviour - and organisations are suffering as a result. This short film looks at how today's gender inequality stems not from biology and evolution but from artificial social constructs and show how challenging gender bias can deliver huge benefits for both individuals and organisations.
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