Recent events have once again highlighted racism and grave injustices towards people of colour, accentuating the need for both continued and renewed introspection and action to fight against racism. Sadly, these issues still exist in workplaces across the world.
VinciWorks strives to create a fairer, safer and more honest world. We have shown this through the impactful training we deliver on diversity, inclusion and anti-harassment, as well as other topics. We continually evaluate, expand and update our training and free resources to reflect how important diversity and inclusion is to us.
Here’s what we are doing:
Free diversity and inclusion resources
Our diversity resources page contains practical resources, guides, policy templates and assessments to help organisations implement inclusive workplaces that promote equality and do not tolerate racism or harassment. The page can be shared across your organisation or bookmarked for easy access.
Access free diversity resources
BAME-focussed diversity training

As businesses think hard about whether they are doing enough to educate their staff on diversity, the demand for diversity and inclusion training has increased.
We have therefore added a new course to our existing diversity and inclusion training suite. Complementing our current story-based diversity course, Diversity and Inclusion at Work: MyStory, this course sheds light on instances of discrimination, racism and bias against BAME people all too frequently experienced by people in the workplace through hard-hitting stories.
It presents striking accounts of workplace discrimination. After reading each story, users are asked one simple question. The correct answer may shock you. The training also includes a “Share” section, giving users a platform to anonymously share personal experiences of racism or discrimination in the workplace.