Sccreenshot of the GDPR knowledge check
The GDPR knowledge check presents instant feedback after the user has answered a question

Verify and assess your staff’s knowledge of key compliance areas such as GDPR, anti-money laundering, anti-bribery and cyber security with our new series of five-minute knowledge checks. Each knowledge check presents 10 questions, with feedback automatically given after each question is answered. Distribute the knowledge checks across your organisation to evaluate the level of understanding, allowing you to decide on next steps for training procedures. Feedback is given after each question is answered, allowing users to improve their knowledge while completing the assessment.

The knowledge checks are included in the licence of any training suite relating to that topic and are available immediately. To learn more, contact us.

Free knowledge check demos

Below are just some of the demos to our knowledge checks. Alternatively, view our full suite here.

GDPR knowledge check

Tests knowledge of GDPR principles, responding to subject access requests, legal conditions for processing and more.

Free demo

GDPR for Marketing knowledge check

Tests your marketing team’s knowledge on personal data, privacy rights and the key principles of GDPR.

Free demo

Cyber Security knowledge check

Tests knowledge of secure password best practice, protocol following cyber attacks and protecting sensitive information.

Free demo

Anti-Bribery knowledge Check

Tests understanding of key red flags that indicate bribery is occurring during business transactions.

Free demo

Build your own knowledge check

VinciWorks now offers organisations the ability to build their own knowledge checks. You can create five minute assessments for staff on a wide range of topics, from internal policies to health and safety. Simply complete the form below to either get a quote or create your own knowledge check.

Build knowledge check