Implementing Reasonable Adjustments At Your Law Firm

Simplifies the key components of the Equality Act in order that organisations can operate confidently within its legal parameters.
Since it came into law in 2010, the Equality Act has provided organisations and businesses with a legal framework to operate within. Complying with the Act is essential to ensure that staff do not experience illegal and unethical treatment at work, and is the bedrock for creating inclusive policies and working culture. But the Equality Act is a complex piece of legislation that requires careful consideration when embedding its provisions into policy, and ensuring that the law and the spirit of the law are upheld.
This course looks at the Equality Act in some detail, simplifying its key components in order that organisations can operate confidently within its legal parameters. It explores discrimination, harassment and victimisation as defined by the law, and considers them in the context of drama scenarios with subject matter expert feedback on how the provisions of the Act are being breached.
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This is a trial version of the course Working Effectively with the Equality Act. Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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