On 2 November 2020, HMRC released an updated version of their XSD schema and user guide. HMRC also released a brief note addressing some of the specific queries raised in feedback on the previous draft of the XSD schema.
Here are some interesting points to note:
Reporting Portal
Work is ongoing on the development of the portal for DAC6 reporting. HMRC has set up a dedicated link at gov.uk, from where you will be able to access the UK reporting tool when it goes live. The newly released user guide and documents will also be published there in due course.
A go-live date for HMRC’s reporting portal is not yet confirmed. HMRC will provide an update as soon as they are able to.
Mandatory Fields
Where a field is mandatory, but the intermediary or taxpayer who is reporting does not have that information in their knowledge, possession or control, they should enter ‘Not known’ in the relevant field.
Arrangement and Disclosure IDs
Arrangement reference numbers (ARNs) will be issued by HMRC on receipt of a valid report. The ARN will be provided immediately once the report has passed validation checks, such as ensuring that required fields are completed. This will not include checking whether or not the arrangement is in fact reportable or checking whether the report is complete and accurate.
Reporting Methods
It will be possible to report either via manual data entry or via XML files upload.
Multiple XML Files
XML files will be uploaded individually. It will not be possible to provide options for multiple file uploads in January 2021.
It will not be possible to provide options for submission via API in January 2021. They recognise that certain organisations had hoped to be able to report via an API, and so will keep this position under review.
Guidance Update
Guidance has now been published in the International Exchange of Information Manual on gov.uk. Further updates will be made over the coming months.
HMRC’s updated schema has already been incorporated into VinciWorks’ DAC6 Reporting Tool.