Email comes with risks, whether in personal or professional settings. Email is usually irretrievable, and all too often people don’t think before clicking send or clicking a suspicious link. One wrong click could cripple your company in a matter of minutes. Each time we open our email, we’re diving into a world of risks.
VinciWorks’ new course, Email@Risk, is designed to help users understand what those risks are and how to take action to mitigate the risks and avoid your email address being the source of the next great data breach or embarrassing ‘reply all’.
The course takes a modern, engaging approach to training on this subject with a focus on relevant, clean design, up to date information and guidance, tips and interactive questions and exercises to ensure that staff have the skills they need to recognise and responsibly respond to a wide variety of email-related risks and threats.
Course outcomes
- Understand the risks presented by email and learn how to identify red flags
- Learn about common phishing tactics and how to avoid falling prey to their bate
- Learn how to avoid making simple mistakes such as “reply all”
- Learn how to protect documents and emails, personalised to refer to the specific email provider of the user, with encryption
- Understand best-practice etiquette for email and inbox management
- Receive best-practice guidance for writing subject lines and email content
Course features
- Smooth, user friendly scroll design
- Detailed, up-to-date information on the latest and most pressing email risks delivered in concise, easy-to-read units
- Real-life accounts of email mistakes and practical tips on how to avoid them
- Detailed, personalised steps explaining how to implement email protections on various platforms; for example, how to encrypt documents and emails
- A unit dedicated to COVID-19 email scams
This new course can be fully customised to be relevant to your organisation, the industry and each department within the organisation.
The course can be used as a stand-alone unit, or can be integrated into the larger framework of a cyber awareness learning plan. Our vast and expanding cyber security training suite prepares users for all cyber risks. It includes hours of training, hundreds of micro-learning modules and topics from social media to IT security.