Modern Slavery Global: Preventing Exploitation

This course looks at the key provisions of the Act around the prevention of forced labour and human trafficking.
Modern slavery takes many different forms - from forced labour, human trafficking and sexual exploitation to being forced to work or marry to pay off debts. It happens in many countries around the world, including the UK, and across a range of industries - from construction, farming and domestic work to mining, manufacturing and supplied labour. This short course looks at the key provisions of the Act around the prevention of forced labour and human trafficking and ensuring greater transparency of supply chains, and explains what businesses need to do to comply. Featuring interviews with industry leaders and a spotlight on the UK construction sector, it sets out the role that all employees have to play in identifying and reporting instances of slavery and ensuring that it has no place in the UK.
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This is a trial version of the course Working with the Modern Slavery Act. Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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