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DAC6 is a new EU tax directive designed to reduce tax avoidance through new mandatory reporting requirements. Once reporting requirements begin, any company that undertakes international tax arrangements could be affected by DAC6.
In this webinar, Director of Best Practice Gary Yantin and Legal and Research Executive Ruth Mittelmann Cohen take us through multinational taxpayers’ responsibilities with regards to reporting cross-border transactions in line with DAC6.
The webinar covers:
- A brief introduction to DAC6 and how it affects multinationals and large businesses
- Multinationals’ responsibilities and when they need to report
- How to keep track of your intermediaries and their reporting
- How VinciWorks’ DAC6 reporting solution can help multinationals stay on top of DAC6 compliance

Legal and Research Executive Ruth Mittelmann Cohen holds an LLB specialising in International Commercial Law. Ruth has experience in both the public and private sectors, having consulted for many Fortune 500 companies. She has expert-level knowledge across a wide range of areas including DAC6, GDPR, harassment, information security, commercial law and regulatory compliance.

As Director of Best Practice at VinciWorks, Gary Yantin works with professional service firms of all sizes to provide the best compliance learning experience for their staff. He was previously an in house lawyer and a solicitor in private practice. Gary has hosted many webinars and workshops for VinciWorks on a wide range of risk and compliance topics including GDPR and the SRA’s new approach to ongoing learning.
Country-by-country guide to DAC6 implementation
VinciWorks has collaborated with Transfer Pricing Services to create a concise country-by-country guide to DAC6 compliance. The guide covers:
- Tax authority and legislation
- Legislative details
- Legal professional privilege
- Forms of reporting
- Penalties