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Country-by-country guide

The most comprehensive guide to EU DAC6 implementation ever published.

DAC6 — keeping track of implementation across the EU

The DAC6 compliance requirements of each global business vary from country to country. Not all EU member states have yet finalised their guidance and additional details, such as legal professional privilege and penalties vary between each state. To help firms save time and money on conducting their own research, VinciWorks has collaborated with Transfer Pricing Services to create a concise country-by-country guide to DAC6 compliance. The guide can be purchased either together with our DAC6 compliance solution or as a standalone tool.


What's included?

With the purchase of the guide, firms receive:

  • A PDF version of the guide
  • Two hard copies of the guide (optional)
  • Regular updated PDF versions of the guide delivered to your inbox as updates become available
  • Access to all DAC6-related guides, webinars and blogs

What's in the guide?

  • Tax authority and legislation
    The tax authority of the country, with a link to their website, the name of the legislation, status of implementation and date of publication

  • Legislative details
    Which taxes are covered, whether domestic transactions apply and any additional hallmarks

  • Legal professional privilege
    Who has legal professional privilege and how it applies to DAC6

  • Main Benefit Test (MBT)
    Local interpretations of the main benefit test and definitions of tax advantage

Contact us to learn more