Features & improvements
Export submissions to PDF
- We’ve improved our submission export format so that the PDF export is a clean data table of the relevant information, rather than just a ‘screenshot’ of the system.
- Data exports no longer include all of the blank fields by default.
- Data can now be exported from incomplete submissions as well as completed ones.
‘Request more info’ for incomplete submissions
- We’ve added the ‘Request more info’ button to the incomplete tab so that you can easily send an email to the Assigned User at any stage.
Improvements to the email editor
- The email template editor now supports adding space between lines and underlining text.
Easier user schema management
- We’ve made it easier to work with user schemas. This includes
- Better support for changing the user column used as your ‘unique identifier’ after user data is already in the system.
- Better error handling in cases where the upload fails due to duplicate or missing user details.
Support for deleting archived forms
- You can now delete forms which have been archived.
API documentation
- A couple of small additions to our API documentation will help IT admins use the User API endpoints.
System security
- Omnitrack has undergone an additional third-party security penetration test which resulted in two low-level vulnerabilities being found and rectified.
Single sign on
- The SSO configuration page now displays your current metadata file so that it can be referenced or downloaded if needed.
DAC6 updates
- We have completed some additional work on single click reporting to the German tax authorities to be able to automatically process responses for disclosures made using the ‘one click reporting’ option.
- We have added reporting schemas for six additional countries and continue to add reporting support as more schemas are released.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue where adding more than 15 Form Admins causes a crash on the ‘Add Admins’ page.
- Fixed the issue with overlapping page numbers appearing on long submission exports.
- Fixed the issue with admin welcome emails not sending out.
- Fixed the issue where forms that are autosaved would sometimes still display a warning that ‘not all changes have been saved’.
- Fixed the issue in user schemas where inactive users with capital letters in their email address were not being matched by the bulk user upload process.
- Fixed the issue where archived submissions were not counted on the forms dashboard.