Sample video: He is, she is, they are

Just a reminder that our updated Maternity and Paternity course will be available from 24 August 2022. I'll send a communication nearer the time, so that you can update your version.

Haviva YanoverBusiness and partnership manager

Members update

New short film/dramas:


Upcoming webinar:


Course update:

Supporting new parents

Coming soon:

Compliance suites

Neurodiversity short film & dramas

The short film version and three individual dramas are now available to download from the Members’ Resource Centre – a brief summary below:

Neurodiversity is the idea that there is naturally occurring variation in the way our brains work, which can impact how we interact with other people, how we process information, our attention, mood, coordination and other brain functions. Although the term ‘neurodiversity’ technically includes both neurodivergent and neurotypical thinkers, it is commonly associated with certain conditions or neuro differences such as dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia, autism, Tourette’s syndrome and others.

Our short film is designed as an introduction to neurodiversity in the workplace. It looks at both the strengths that neurodivergent thinkers can bring, the challenges they may face, and explores strategies and inclusive practices for creating conditions and environments that enable neurodivergent people to engage and thrive.

View course sample

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The three video dramas with their references for searching via our Film Library section are:

NDD01 Eva’s sensory overload

Eva experiences sensory overload and anxiety when she arrives at work to discover that her team is unexpectedly switching to hot desking.

NDD02 Neurodiversity: Patrick’s late dyslexia diagnosis – Conflict

Patrick, who has not yet been diagnosed as dyslexic, is ridiculed by his colleagues when they read the job spec he has written.

NDD03 Neurodiversity- Patrick’s late dyslexia diagnosis – RAP meeting

Patrick discusses his RAP (Reasonable Adjustment Plan) with his manager following his dyslexia diagnosis.

I was delighted with the number of members that registered for the neurodiversity webinar last Wednesday, so I do hope you found this beneficial.

Peter ThorpeHead of Business Development

Neurodiversity webinar

What is neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is the term that refers to the naturally occurring variation in the way our brains work. It is commonly associated with a series of conditions or differences such as dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia, autism and others.


In this webinar, VinciWorks’ Director of Learning Nick Henderson and Skill Boosters’ Content Designer Maurizio Caldera explored some of the many facets of neurodiversity.


Interviews with neurodivergent individuals on their personal experiences. Short scenario clips and interactive polls on what we can do to support neurodivergent people in each example.

Coming soon… Compliance Suites

In December 2021, Skill Boosters became part of Marlowe Plc, a leader in business-critical services and software. Since then, we have been busy exploring the e-learning offerings within the Marlowe group and are excited to let you know that we have formed a partnership with our sister company VinciWorks who specialise in online compliance training and risk management software.

As a result, from August, we will be able to provide you with access to preview two suites of e-learning courses (Compliance Fundamentals and Cyber and Data Awareness) through our Members’ Resource Centre (MRC). These suites contain 51 carefully selected courses from their range of 200. They are not included within your membership licensing plan fee, but they will be made available for you to preview through the MRC whenever you wish.

From our knowledge, compliance budgets sometimes sit with alternative contacts within an organisation, so we would welcome the opportunity for your colleagues to preview, and provide a quote when your current compliance licence contract is due for renewal. Like the Skill Boosters courses, you will be able to download direct from our MRC if you do license one or both of the suites, giving you access to a broader range of courses all in one place.

If you are interested in the costs for our compliance suites, then please drop us an email, even just to compare with your current supplier. If the compliance topic of interest is not available in the two published suites, then do let us know as we have access to a broader range of topics from our sister company VinciWorks.

Haviva YanoverDevelopment and Partnerships Manager

Suite 1: Compliance fundamentals

Suite of core compliance topics including anti-bribery, anti-money laundering, FCA compliance, modern slavery and tax evasion.

Suite 2: Cyber and data awareness

Suite of training to help reduce the human risk of cyber attack and data breaches. Training on information security, cyber security, GDPR, CCPA, as well as micro-courses on phishing, ransomware and social media.

Compliance guides, templates and policy

Included in all packages, a collection of policies, best-practice guides and other resources to help your organisation comply with the latest regulations.

Top 5 micro-course downloads


How to give feedback

This micro-course explains how to use an appreciative enquiry approach to provide regular, honest feedback that enables your staff to grow in confidence.

Trans and non-binary awareness

This course provides a unique look at what it’s like to be trans and non-binary in today’s society.

Inclusive language and communication

This course shows how our communication style and the language we use plays a vital role in creating an inclusive workplace.

Sexual orientation

This course looks at sexual orientation in the workplace and explains how sexual orientation is a protected characteristic in the Equality Act.

An introduction to coaching

This course examines the benefits of a coaching approach to development and sets out key techniques for conversations.

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Get in touch!

If you would like to preview any of our courses or discuss our flexible and cost-effective licensing plans, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

+44 (0)20 3859 4308