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We are publishing a series of guides on how each EU member state has implemented DAC6. The guide provides a preview to our full up-to-date country-by-country guide to DAC6.
Our next guide focusses on Sweden’s implementation of DAC6.
This blog was originally published in July 2020 and was updated in January 2021.
Has Sweden implemented DAC6?
Legislation Details
Sweden’s tax authority, the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), published the second DAC6 draft bill on 4 February 2020. The legislation is called Lag (2020:434) om rapporteringspliktiga arrangemang – Act (2020:434) on reporting arrangements.
Taxes covered
The legislation is in line with the EU Directive and does not include domestic arrangements or any additional hallmarks.
Legal Professional Privilege
The Swedish DAC6 legislation partly exempts affiliated members of the Swedish Bar Association from the reporting obligation due to legal professional privilege. Therefore, affiliated members of the Swedish Bar Association do not need to report information that conflict with Swedish LPP rules. Swedish non-bar member lawyers, legal advisers, tax advisors, auditors and accountants are liable to report.
Reports will be made online via the data portal of the tax authorities. The Swedish Tax Agency will offer two possible methods to submit the DAC6 reports: a web-based form and an XML upload. The language of reporting is English.
Penalties may be imposed if there is a failure to report, or if the report is incomplete or incorrect. However, a failure to report will not be regarded as a criminal offense.
DAC6 resource page
VinciWorks regularly publishes helpful guides, on-demand webinars and articles related to DAC6. These resources are regularly updated as HMRC and other authoritative bodies update their guidance on DAC6 implementation. We will also be adding all of our DAC6 country profiles to the resource page.
You can view all of our DAC6 compliance resources by clicking on the button below.