Everything you wanted to ask about the CSRD, answered

The first companies are going to have to report on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive soon. It’s time for our FAQ edition about the new regulation The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an EU ESG standard enacted by the EU. It is designed to make corporate sustainability reporting more common, consistent and standardised like […]

Court of Appeal rules companies are increasingly liable for supply chain compliance risks

In a significant ruling from the UK’s Court of Appeal, the application of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) has been expanded, putting companies at increased risk for asset recovery, fines and even criminal prosecution for failing to conduct adequate due diligence on their supply chains. Furthermore, the recently passed Economic Crime and Corporate […]

Revolutionising compliance training with AI

In the fast-paced world of compliance, staying ahead requires not just meeting regulatory standards but also ensuring that training is engaging, relevant, and accessible. VinciWorks has been a leader in compliance training for over two decades, consistently innovating to meet evolving business needs. Powerful tools like the VinciWorks Portal enable companies to maintain compliance while […]

Wie die bevorstehenden Landtagswahlen in Sachsen, Thüringen und Brandenburg Unternehmen beeinflussen könnten

Im nächsten Monat finden in Thüringen, Brandenburg und Sachsen Landtagswahlen statt, die nicht nur die politische Landschaft dieser Bundesländer prägen werden, sondern auch erhebliche Auswirkungen auf regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen für Unternehmen haben könnten. Für Unternehmen, die in diesen Bundesländern tätig sind, ist es daher unerlässlich, die politischen Positionen der Parteien in zentralen Compliance-Bereichen zu verstehen.

Befolgt Ihr Unternehmen die geltenden Gesetze beim Thema Geldwäscheprävention?

In einer globalisierten Weltwirtschaft ist die Einhaltung der Vorschriften zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche (AML) von entscheidender Bedeutung für Unternehmen. Insbesondere in Europa und Deutschland sind die regulatorischen Anforderungen streng und umfassend. Unternehmen, die diese Standards nicht einhalten, riskieren nicht nur hohe Geldstrafen, sondern auch Schäden an ihrem Ruf und ihrer operativen Integrität. Doch wie können […]

CSRD and the UK

What do UK organisations need to know about the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive? The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is new legislation that recently came into force with first reporting requirements coming next year. The directive will require all large and listed companies to publish regular reports on the social and environmental risks […]

Enhanced efforts required to protect students from sexual harassment, says watchdog

The Office for Students (OfS), the higher education regulator in England, has called for universities to increase their efforts to safeguard students from sexual harassment. The OfS will introduce specific benchmarks for reporting systems, disciplinary procedures, and staff training. Although the OfS considered banning relationships between staff and students, it has decided not to impose […]