Supply chain management and CSRD

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is shining a light on supply chain transparency. What does your business need to know about sustainability in its supply chain now? Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an ESG (environmental, social and governance) standard enacted by the EU. It is designed to make corporate sustainability reporting more common, consistent and […]

Status quo der CSRD-Umsetzung in nationales Recht? Ausbaufähig.

Die Frist ist abgelaufen, aber die meisten EU-Mitgliedsstaaten stecken noch immer in der Entwurfsphase – oder schlimmer. Die Frist für die Umsetzung der Richtlinie zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Unternehmen (CSRD) in nationales Recht war der 6. Juli. Aber diese Frist scheint die meisten EU-Mitgliedsstaaten nicht zu interessieren. Nur wenige haben den Gesetzgebungsprozess bis dato abgeschlossen.

Summer Refresh: Boost Your Workplace with a Stronger Neurodiversity Policy

With a typically slower pace and fewer urgent deadlines, August is the perfect time to think about and refresh your workplace’s neurodiversity policies and set the stage for a more inclusive year ahead. As the hustle slows down, it’s an ideal moment to reassess and enhance your accommodations, ensuring your organisation is ready to support […]

Kartellrecht-Urteil gegen Google: Ein Wendepunkt für die Technologiebranche?

Am vergangenen Montag, dem 5. August 2024, wurde Google in einem wegweisenden Kartellrechts-Fall schuldig gesprochen. Das Urteil könnte einen entscheidenden Moment in der Geschichte der Technologiebranche markieren und weitreichende Folgen für die gesamte Branche mit sich bringen. Das Urteil gegen Google ist das Ergebnis eines langjährigen Verfahrens, das von der US-Regierung und einer Koalition aus […]

Risk mitigation for bribery

The complete guide to help companies develop an effective anti-bribery programme  Bribery and corruption are not new issues. But they remain impressively persistent in their ability to wreak havoc and cause trouble. According to the World Bank, £800 billion is paid each year in bribes, and more than double that goes to corruption and enforcement. […]

What companies should be thinking about when they think about AI

A conversation with Shlomo Agishtien, AI lead at Trullion Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are increasingly becoming part of the daily processes of nearly every company and AI regulations are bearing down with the EU’s AI Act leading the charge. It’s more and more important to understand how to utilise and develop these tools ethically and […]

Everything you wanted to ask about the CSRD, answered

The first companies are going to have to report on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive soon. It’s time for our FAQ edition about the new regulation The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an EU ESG standard enacted by the EU. It is designed to make corporate sustainability reporting more common, consistent and standardised like […]

Court of Appeal rules companies are increasingly liable for supply chain compliance risks

In a significant ruling from the UK’s Court of Appeal, the application of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) has been expanded, putting companies at increased risk for asset recovery, fines and even criminal prosecution for failing to conduct adequate due diligence on their supply chains. Furthermore, the recently passed Economic Crime and Corporate […]

Revolutionising compliance training with AI

In the fast-paced world of compliance, staying ahead requires not just meeting regulatory standards but also ensuring that training is engaging, relevant, and accessible. VinciWorks has been a leader in compliance training for over two decades, consistently innovating to meet evolving business needs. Powerful tools like the VinciWorks Portal enable companies to maintain compliance while […]