Warning to financial services firms on anti-money laundering failures

FCA warns firms to do better on risk assessments and training The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has warned over 1,000 Annex 1 firms (lenders, money brokers and financial leasing companies), about serious money laundering failings at the most basic level. The FCA has written to these firms, making it clear that firms should “complete a […]

The importance of Data Protection Impact Assessments

Thanks to GDPR, DPIAs matter more than ever. Here’s why – and tips on how to do them A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is a process to help identify and minimise the data protection risks of a project. They always mattered but the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) made them matter much, much more. […]

Are you managing your subject access requests?

It’s been almost six years since Europe’s data protection landscape changed with GDPR. Are you prepared for SARs? Since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was passed there has been almost constant change for companies, with new case law, rulings and court cases making compliance with GDPR an ongoing hot topic for organisations of all […]

Künstliche Intelligenz bei der Erstellung von Content: Fluch oder Segen?

Eine der Veränderungen, die der Aufstieg von KI-Tools für generativen Text wie ChatGPT mit sich brachte, ist die Möglichkeit für jeden, rasch große Textmengen zu schreiben. Obgleich man den Text nicht selbst schreibt, inspiriert man die KI durch den kreativen Einsatz von Eingabeaufforderungen zur Generierung von Informationen, von Blogbeiträgen bis zu ganzen Büchern. Es ist […]

Anti-money laundering in Australia: Will 2024 finally bring change?

Australia is a global outlier in AML Australia is one of only five countries to exempt lawyers, accountants and real estate from anti-money laundering rules. The Australian government has committed to change this, expanding AML/CTF obligations to an additional 100,000 ‘Tranche-2’ entities in Australia, while modernising the AML regime. The reforms are expected to be […]

New guide: Navigating the Russia-Ukraine War Two Years In

Download your free guide to the latest developments in sanctions on Russia and what your firm needs to do to stay compliant The field of economic sanctions has been growing increasingly complicated in recent years. The past year was a historic and transformative period for the use of financial sanctions on both the global and […]

Menopause can be a disability, and firms must make reasonable adjustments

The UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has issued guidance to inform firms they could be liable for being taken to an employment tribunal if they do not make reasonable adjustments for staff experiencing menopause. Adjustments can include time off, flexible hours, relaxed uniform policies and rest areas. Failing to make reasonable adjustments can […]

Künstliche Intelligenz: Fragen und Antworten

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird viele Bereiche unseres Lebens und unserer Arbeit beeinflussen. Doch was genau ist KI und wie funktioniert sie? VinciWorks beantwortet einige häufig gestellte Fragen zu diesem Thema. Was ist Künstliche Intelligenz? KI bezieht sich auf Maschinen, die Aufgaben ausführen, die normalerweise menschliche Intelligenz erfordern. Dazu gehören Problemlösung, Spracherkennung und -verstehen sowie Lern- […]