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SRA Standards and Regulations

Choose the right online SRA training for your firm.

Get your entire staff on board with SRA training

The focus of the SRA Standards and Regulations, which replaced the SRA Handbook on 25 November 2019, is on each legal professional being able to justify their actions in all work that they carry out. The previous handbook was long and confusing; the new SRA Standards and Regulations are much more concise and no longer stipulate indicative behaviours.

VinciWorks' SRA training suite will help legal professionals, including support staff, to develop an understanding of the relevant regulations which apply to their specific role in the law firm.

Our SRA Courses

Conflicts of Interest: A Guide for Law Firms

This course provides guidance for navigating different types of conflicts of interest that commonly arise inside law firms.


Ethics for law firms

Provides the tools for how to deconstruct ethical dilemmas and make a considered decision.


SRA: A Practical Overview

Case-study led training that focuses on the key aspects of each SRA Principle and Accounts Rule.


Sexual Misconduct: Understanding the SRA Guidance

This course explains the SRA's guidance on the appropriate handling of sexual misconduct within regulated firms.


SRA Fundamentals

Helps staff develop an understanding of the relevant regulations that apply to their specific role in the law firm.


SRA Advanced: Managing Clients and Matters

Covers the checks and processes you should carry out when managing clients and matters if you work in an SRA regulated firm.


SRA Advanced: Accounts Rules

Apply the SRA Accounts Rules to real-life scenarios.


SRA Advanced: Compliance at Your Firm

Ensure compliance officers, managers and partners understand their responsibilities set out by the SRA.


SRA Training Requirements

The SRA standards and principles apply to everyone working in a law firm; including partners, fee earners and support staff, so it is important to regularly review the principles and ensure you are in compliance with them at all times. Training should be completed at least once a year.

Why VinciWorks for SRA Training Courses?

Our suite of SRA courses dynamically create a personalised learning experience based on an individual’s role in a law firm. This ensures everyone taking the course will learn what they need to know, and not waste time reviewing areas irrelevant to their practice. The training ensures that all employees of an SRA regulated law firm who have a legal obligation to follow the SRA Standards and Regulations have sufficient knowledge to stay compliant.

In addition, we offer an SRA Compliance Management Suite that allows firms to collect data efficiently and securely into one centralised location. COLPs and COFAs can seamlessly review all completions, aggregate data via a centralised dashboard and monitor, track, alert and follow up on progress throughout the process.

The compliance management suite can be used in tandem with the training.

Frequently Asked Questions on SRA Training

What is SRA training?

The SRA standards are seven principles representing the fundamental rules on ethical behaviour that the SRA expects everyone working in the legal profession to uphold.

The principles must be upheld both inside and outside the work environment. This may also include in your private behaviour, including on social media.

SRA training teaches staff about the principles and regulations and how to uphold them.

Who do SRA standards and regulations apply to?

The SRA code of conduct applies to individuals authorised by the SRA to provide legal services. Therefore, all solicitors are subject to the SRA Principles. The principles do not seem to have direct application to other law firm employees other than solicitors, RELs and RFLs.

How many principles are there in the SRA standards and regulations?

There are seven SRA principles representing the fundamental rules on ethical behaviour that the SRA expects everyone working in the legal profession to uphold.

What are the principles of the SRA?

The seven SRA principles are as follows:
You must act:

  1. in a way that upholds the constitutional principle of the rule of law, and the proper administration of justice.
  2. in a way that upholds public trust and confidence in the solicitors' profession and in legal services provided by authorised persons.
  3. with independence.
  4. with honesty.
  5. with integrity.
  6. in a way that encourages equality, diversity and inclusion.
  7. in the best interests of each client.

How long is SRA training?

Our SRA course suite includes seven different courses that vary in duration from 10 minutes to 1 hour.