Manual Handling Safety
Recognise the risks associated with Manual Handling, and learn best practices to avoid or reduce those risks.
If not done properly, manual handling can cause injury, including back pain, muscle strains, and joint issues. This course covers the risks of manual handling and recommends best practices to avoid or reduce those risks. Through video and engaging content, learners explore risk assessment, proper manual handling techniques, and the use of equipment. The course also emphasises the importance of compliance with health and safety legislation, ensuring a safer work environment for all.
Course Objectives
- Recognise the risks associated with manual handling
- Identify key considerations when attempting a manual handling task
- Describe proper manual handling techniques, such as those for lifting, carrying, and setting down
- Recognise the importance of using relevant equipment when available
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This is a trial version of the course Manual Handling Safety. Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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