Working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Explore how to properly set up and work with Display Screen Equipment to ensure a safe and productive workspace.
This flagship course explores how to properly set up and work with Display Screen Equipment to ensure a safe and productive workspace. When your workstation is not set up properly, it can lead to aches, pains, and stress. Through video scenarios and engaging content, this course covers how to properly set up your monitor, keyboard, mouse and chair, as well as how best to organise your desk. In addition, the course emphasises the importance of posture and movement to promote healthy working, and includes a unit focused on working from home.
Course Objectives
- Recognise the importance of proper DSE setup
- Identify the risks of using DSE and learn how to prevent them
- Describe how to properly adjust your workstation
- Recognise the importance of breaks and movement when working with DSE
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This is a trial version of the course Working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE). Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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