Complaints and Compliments
In this course, you will look at the complaints and compliments handling process including how to log, manage and resolve complaints and compliments.
This immersive online training course covering Complaints and Compliments is designed to help organisations raise awareness of how employees can handle the process for receiving complaints and compliments.
The course particularly looks at the best practice around logging, managing and resolving complaints and compliments.
It also explains how to react and respond effectively and what the appropriate steps are for each instance and the importance of having and following a suitable policy for customer complaints and compliments.
Course Objectives
- What constitutes a complaint
- Appropriate handling of complaints
- Ensuring customers are kept informed
- Importance of keeping records of complaints
- What information to capture when logging an incident
- Appropriate time scales are for responding to a complaint
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This is a trial version of the course Complaints and Compliments. Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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