Driving at Work: Preparing for Your Journey
Prepare your journey before driving at work.
Hundreds of traffic accidents every week involve people travelling for work. With many people driving for work on a regular basis or even daily, it makes sense to consider their training and the training of the managers planning their journeys.
Employers have duties under health and safety law to manage the risks faced by their workers on the road, and also a moral duty of care to protect their employees, the general public, and the reputation of their company. Organisations should ensure that a clear driving for work policy is in place and that sufficient driving training has been given prior to asking employees to drive for work purposes.
Our Preparing for your Journey short course explores the basic preparations and planning that needs to take place before any work journey.
Course Objectives
- The importance of road safety at work
- The importance of a workplace risk assessment
- How to make sure you have the correct documents for driving
- What to take into account when journey planning
- The importance of avoiding distractions
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This is a trial version of the course Driving at Work: Preparing for Your Journey. Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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