The Impact of Micro-Behaviours

This course looks at the nature of domestic abuse, its prevalence and its impact.
Domestic violence and abuse can take many different forms and is not always easy to spot, but its impact on victim-survivors and those close to them can be devastating and life-changing. Domestic abuse is not just a personal matter for people to deal with in private, but a key concern for all employers, and being able to spot where it may be occurring, handle disclosure sensitively and effectively, and take appropriate action to protect and support staff is a crucial aspect of an employer's duty of care. Drawing on powerful first-hand victim-survivor experiences, this course looks at the different forms that domestic abuse can take, its prevalence and its impact, and sets out how to spot possible signs of abuse and what organisations can do to ensure they are providing appropriate help and support for employees.
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This is a trial version of the course Domestic Abuse: Supporting Employees in the Workplace. Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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